Friday, October 27, 2023

Friday morning

 A couple things before I take my shower: yesterday when I logged in I went to check if I was "on the zone" cleaning up groceries for an hour before they take their pictures to send to corporate.  I was, my boss caught me and said very ominously "We need to talk later".  She always sounds like she's about to fire me.  

It was nothing of course but I hate when she does that.  

And I promised I would tell you about Spotty, and the tablet.  Spotty likes to climb on me when I'm doing my Bible study.  It is very cute.  He likes to rub his head against my hands, whatever is in my hands, books I am reading, the tablet, etc.  So he was putting the tablet in weird modes it wasn't working, shutting it down, etc.  

So I put the tablet (it has a padded case) in a gallon ziplock and putting it in my backpack, reading it at work.  It doesn't matter if he rubs up against the books after all.  

And he gets his scent all over me to drive the dogs nuts when I walk by their yards.  The dogs don't bark at anyone else walking by but they sure do with me.  

So last night they messed up, we are getting a visit today (from district/corporate), they did not schedule properly.  One woman who only speaks Spanish thought she had last night off and wouldn't come in even after they called her, so my friend had to do the work of 2 people.  They had a lot of people off who should have been working to get ready for the visit.  They had me with an impossible task and I am sure I will catch hell when I go in today but I did the best I could in the time I had, with the tools I had. 

So, yet again, not looking forward to going in. I do like the new vests though.  My friend got 2.  I don't know why she got herself 2 you can only wear one at a time.  

I have another headache that will not quit, today.  It is frustrating I am getting a lot lately.  

Shower time.  God Time.  Treat time.  

Unlike Ron, I don't give the cats a handful of treats; I give 2 or 3.  They are just as happy.  Fish is in the list of ingredients, albeit WAY down the list, so I am very careful with Biscuit.  It has been my experience male cats given fish protein diets end up with FLUTD.  Happened to 3 cats and I lost 2 of them.  Barely saved Biscuit.  Good thing I was "rich" at the time!  

I made a lunch to take today and my pills for dinner time at 7 PM.  I am asking God for a good day.  

I may need to do the lemon pie fix when I get to work, though.  

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