Thursday, October 12, 2023

Comments are back

 Tired tonight which is really surprising considering my caffeine intake.

On my lunch listening to "my life would suck without you" and the employee who didn't turn off his walkie.  

Just once I would like to hear a Gospel rapper or some Jesus metal.

Cheat note my life does not suck, without him.  Because I have Him.  


Anonymous said...

Any thoughts about what is going on in Israel? Do you think it could be prophecy unfolding?

Heather Knits said...

Well I'm a little jaded seems like Israel is always under fire.

Psalm 83 war all the nations directly around Israel go after her and are trounced. Ezekiel 17 the nations around THEM go after Israel and God soundly defeats them with pestilence, infighting, a massive earthquake that doesn't harm the Israelis, and literal brimstone from Heaven. We haven't seen any of that yet.

The only notable thing Ezekiel 17 says the Israelis will be SEVEN YEARS gathering the dead and all the weapons. Some think that means the Ezekiel 17 war must happen 7 years at least before the rapture but I have always taken the view that the rapture could happen tomorrow and then the war, as it's going to take some time for the Antichrist to set up his kingdom.

I remember one time years ago I was at the Blood Center giving "double reds" and I was hooked up to a machine in a recliner as I watched TV which was reporting a terror attack in Israel. I remember thinking "Too bad they can't get my blood I bet they could use it".

My second thought on 9-11 (after the predictable "NUKE THEM!" was that we Americans were wimps whining and crying about this when Israel suffered horrible attacks like that on the regular. And Israel was so nice to us after that.

Heather Knits said...

It won't let me edit Ezekiel 37 not 17.

Anonymous said...

J.D.Farag says we're at the end.
Not date setting, just doing the math.
They want a one world govt by 2030, that's in 7 years. Israel is threatening to wipe out Damascus. That WILL happen. Me, I'm looking up.

Heather Knits said...

Going to keep handing out my candy to thr end! Funny thing unsaved people have a key to the house. They can get in EASY and it's all there.