Wednesday, October 25, 2023

"Get in your hole!"

 Ron liked building kitty condos even after the accident.  He would go to Home Depot with a list of measurements, like four 18x36 inch boards.  He would select sheets of plywood and 2x4s and get them cut to his specs.  Pay and go home in a cab.  Put it all together 

Ron made one that was basically a giant cube, open on the bottom, shelves inside, and an opening on the top about 8 inches square.  Frosty loved to hide in it.

Ron would put his hand at the opening and wiggle his fingers.  Frosty would pounce, Ron would scream "AAH!" 

Then Ron would reach over to the hole, Frosty's head and front paw sticking out, say "Get in your hole!" And gently push Frosty back into the condo.  

I always found it hysterical and the memory makes me smile.  They are together again playing the same game, I'n sure.

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