Sunday, October 8, 2023

Metro Bus is giving me a migraine

 So I have been trying to get to church for a while now, I found a decent one but Metro Bus trip planner made it look very difficult with all these twists and turns when I got off the bus.  I finally put it into Google maps, same thing.  Then I just put the address into Google maps and looked that way.  ONE turn to get to the church, not 4 steps like Google and Metro were telling me.  The street I'll be on has a nice sidewalk (well pretty ratty sidewalk but it will keep the cars from hitting me).  

Metro bus did give me an accurate time to leave which I appreciate.  And the stop to get off and where to come back.  

But REALLY?  It is like the old GPS that would make our drivers go back and forth through the adjoining subdivision just to get to the main street and "save" 100 feet travel.  

AGH.  I slept OK with Cleo and Biscuit.  Spotty just has bad manners so Cleo doesn't let him in the bed, he tries to mount her, bites her, etc, but she bites him in his sac and flips him off the bed like a sumo wrestler.  They do cuddle and groom each other and they all seem happy other than that otherwise I would rehome him. 

But I slept OK I did wake up at 2 as expected.  

I need to take my shower. Did that. 

It was very cute when I take my shower Biscuit gets up in my God Time chair knowing I am coming.  I pick him up, kiss him (of course!) and put him in my lap as I sit down, then I talk to him and pet him as I read.   Spotty wanted in on it and got up on me too for petting, kisses, etc.  I have said before I feel like Spotty doesn't get enough attention so I gave it to him.  

Biscuit objected and moved, but stayed nearby.  After I was done I gave both boys a few treats.  Biscuit had impeccable manners eating a treat out of my hand.  Torbie would take my finger off!  She always bit me. But Biscuit was perfect.  

So I reek of cats they were rubbing all over me.  But I did remember to bring my stun gun. I am 95% sure I can get to the church OK.  I am wearing a cute striped blouse and jeans with sneakers.  If someone has a problem with that better find out now - and I have to walk a half hour each way so it had better be comfortable.  

I only brought 4 bags of candy that's all I felt God wanted me to bring.  If you feel up to it I could use a prayer as I venture out today.  

That's it for now.  

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