Tuesday, October 31, 2023

I got called an effing, racist, bitch

 I have certain rules to follow at work; which I did.  Customer objected "No one else has done that" which I have heard before.  Sorry maam it is the rules.  Then she went off on me while I continued to follow the rules.  

She basically said I was persecuting her because she was black, I hated black people, etc.

I thought about telling her I was married to a black man for 29 years and how I took care of him after his "good" black family tried to put him in a nursing home and then disowned him.  But I thought why bother she is just trying to get a rise so she can complain to the manager and try to get something free.  I also saw she had her phone at an angle to film me so I just repeated I had to follow the rules.  

She got more and more upset as I remained calm and her abuse escalated.  But after 13 years with my stepbrother and 29 years with Ron I am pretty immune to verbal abuse.  She eventually gave up and stormed off after throwing more abuse in my direction.

The store has been very busy tonight I will be happy to go home.


Anonymous said...

Good for you for keeping your cool. You know if you had said anything it would be all over social media and you probably would have gotten fired.

Heather Knits said...

Yeah anything I might have said would have been heavily edited.

Now wouldn't it be nice, I was thinking later, if EMPLOYEES had body cameras and we could post them to social media being awful to us?

She had a husband with her she had him on a virtual leash verbally yanking him around, it was embarrassing, I felt, to watch. I felt sorry for him.