Thursday, June 4, 2020

Well, a urinal update

Ron continued to have issues with the juice bottles.  I wasn't too worried, I had the rubber sheet on the bed.  Easy enough to strip the bed, wash it, spray clean the rubber sheet and then put a freshie. 
But Ron didn't like it.  He told me today he needed "a wider mouth".  I had a brainstorm and gave him one of my Ziplock Twist and Lock storage containers.  I marked with a permanent marker so I would not mix it up with food containers.  Ron also reminded me get the lid, good point, so that marked too.  He had two good tries so I gave him the set of large ones, marked, so I won't use them again.  It has a very wide mouth and easy to line up, no spills.  We are both happy. 
The large sized were too big for leftovers for him anyway he just does not eat that much.  So I can use the regular sized for his food and he can use the large ones for the urinals.  And they are marked so no issue.  He was so happy he figured it out. 
I have had a savage migraine all day.  It is more a crushing pain today.  Bad enough my eye is leaking tears - it's not glaucoma it's just the pain is that bad. 
I had some fun with my grocery delivery.  Now, was it a bright idea to get groceries delivered during rioting?  No, but I got them, they were late but they did come.  In my defense I did tell them to go ahead and cancel it if it meant them going home late. 
I wish I had known about the Twist and Locks when I made the order but I will put more of the regulars on my next order.  I don't think it's prudent to have large food and urinal ones.  Even if the urinals are marked it's just ick.
The twist and lock is great because it does seal very tightly so no spills. 
I didn't get much of a nap due to the headache.  I have been pretty uncomfortable to say the least.  My aunt asked me if I took something and to be honest I have pretty much given up on anything working for my migraines.  I can't do triptans due to lithium - they are a common class of migraine drug.  I can't afford the new ones and we don't know how they interact with psych meds.  And if it is a migraine or my mind I am taking my mind every time.  I will usually try some Excedrin but if that doesn't work I give up.  And I only take Excedrin when I want to be awake. 
Right now it's the middle of the night so I am not going to take caffeine pills.  I was never really given anything for migraines when I was growing up so I guess I am just in the habit of white knuckling it.  And I don't like needing pills, which is really funny when you think how many medications I have to take to be functional. 
Anyway, sucks to be me today.  I don't know if it was the laxative or the curry so I will have to experiment at a later date. 
I told Ron it looks like I'm about done on the cycle and he asked me how I felt, I said I was fine.  If it's true and I am about done I would expect to see a reduction in headaches, although I have 2 family members who still had migraines after their hysterectomies so I may be out of luck.  Many times migraines are hormonal for women, though.  I have had menopause symptoms going back over 10 years in particular I had really bad hot flashes for a few years, about 10 years ago.  So I hope I'm done but if I'm not that's fine, too. 
If I knew I was done I would start taking Vitamin E for my heart, that's about it.  I should be doing that anyway. 
Enough about that, the cats are good.  We got some rain earlier but not too bad.  I did get everything I ordered lots of drinks which makes me happy.  I do plan to make some lentils when I feel better I have some garlic sausage I plan to use. 
Oh, and I finally bought a big kitchen knife.  I have just used a steak knife size for many years now for all my kitchen work but I had some problems cutting up my big block of cheddar, so I bought a bigger knife the last time I was in the Walmart.  It should make the cheese much easier, I don't see needing it otherwise. 
Ron's nephew messaged me on Facebook he is a really nice guy, about my age, very sweet and concerned about us.  He says the family has a lot of pride issues which have caused a lot of division (paraphrased), and he doesn't want that for his family, seems to be doing what he can to be a loving husband and father.  I am happy to be related to him and glad I got at least one good guy out of Ron's family.  Ron was always very fond of him so I am giving Ron his number tomorrow so they can talk.  I know Ron does miss his family and that is sad, but he did ask them to treat me with "the respect due (Ron's) wife".  They apparently can't do that which is fine, they were a little critical anyway, but I am glad we at least have Brian. 
Him I would be happy to have over once we fix the toilet, and we are seeing the end on that project happily.  That is going to be great it really sucks flushing with the bucket of water when I have a migraine because any kind of lifting and bending just sucks.  It will also look better if the social worker ever comes by. 
I haven't heard anything on that I didn't get the feeling they were overly worried about us, once they did their interview.  We didn't tell them things were perfect but we put the issues in perspective. 
And I am getting a new computer this weekend that will rock.  I am debating asking him for a web cam as well this is where I miss the comments.  Would you rather have a video of me walking around and talking but not on screen or seeing me sitting in front of the computer?  We will never know, at least not for a while. 
I am not sure if I will bring comments back there are compelling arguments both ways.  I was sick of all the negativity and judging.  But I did appreciate feedback on occasion.  I have a bad suspicion my "problem" is not going away so I will have to leave comments down for a while at least. 
Ron was happy to hear me up, we talked for a while and he's good. 
That's it for now. 

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