Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Most of Wednesday

We were forecast to have severe weather, maybe, today.  I checked a couple of sources and went with Accu-weather on my phone which said maybe in the afternoon.  

I called Arturo, tried to go to the bank but it was closed.  Went to the new Walmart, got everything on the list but forgot the hard boiled eggs.  I did get the protein shakes for me, though, and a pint of ice cream for my dinner.  

Ron had split peas for breakfast and a lunchable for lunch so he is good for a while.  I will offer more food in a while but he would let me know if he was hungry.  

I had fun looking around but could not find a regular twin fitted sheet, by itself.  They had something they called an "adjustable" twin to twin xl.  I don't want an 80 inch long twin.  I want 72, Ron's size.  I hope my aunt still has those old twin fitted sheets for me.  

I checked out and Arturo took me home, I put everything away.  I took a nap.  

I slept OK, I had Biscuit so that always amps it up to AWESOME level but did have a nasty headache.  Ugh.  

I forgot yesterday I cannot eat the yellow zingers.  I ate a couple and am paying for it today.  I took some more excedrin and even smoked some hemp, still have some headache.  

My cycle is erratic enough that I switched to pads for the rest of it.  

Two of the mouse traps were moved, I took a tip off a pest control blog and used 1.  Less bait and 2.  Moved 2 traps to the area of activity so I can hopefully pin 'em in one or the other.  I did that in 2 areas, with a total of 4 traps.  

Good thing Ron doesn't go up to the kitchen anymore.  It is behind the fridge so I put 2 traps back there.  Hopefully I get him.  

I also had the door to the garage open today, and the garage door up, while I was bringing in stuff so ideally it just ran outside and away.  

I am happy Ron likes the Lunchable so well.  It is a good meal and a good amount of protein, but not huge, some variety (cheese, crackers, meat, little candy bar), and filling but not overly so.  He likes them a lot so that is a nice change for me I just have to open it for him.  He also has the better part of a case of flavor mix variety chips from Frito Lay as well.  He is temperate in his snacking and can be left with one of these, it will take him weeks to eat it all.  

I feel good about that he has a different snack.  He is not a big eater but he likes small meals.  The split peas are good for that, and the protein bars, lunchables, etc.  I take his nutrition pretty seriously.  

He has been excellent about taking his multivitamin every day it has basic amounts of all the b vitamins, A, and iron, with a little calcium as well.  It's a start.  I will get him in the habit of that and then maybe we can add more down the line.  He should be OK as long as the vitamin is coated.  

I plan to go to bed early, I need to wash his sheets but he doesn't want to get up yet.  When he does I will swoop in there.  

I couldn't do it earlier, I had called Arturo already and Ron suddenly needed to use the toilet.  I had my hands full helping him with that, got him there OK but very little time left.  No time to change the sheets which is what I would have done normally.  

Worst of all, I had to leave him like that because he wanted to stay awhile and make sure he was finished.  I did not like that.  But he said he would be fine and he goes in the middle of the night most every night, and is fine, so I left him.  Didn't like it and worried sick.  

I got to Walmart and was on the soap aisle wondering how much worry was OK for me to have, for him, he called, teased me, said he fell on the floor but his tone of voice was jolly so I knew he was kidding.  He was touched I was worried.  He got back to bed fine.  He did bump my toilet paper holder but that is all, no big deal.  

But I need to change his sheet he got some food in it.  I have a small load of regular clothes and I can put the twin fitted sheet on top of that and run the load.  I have a good sized washer.  But I need the sheet to do that.  I may wait until tomorrow, I don't know.  

It's up to him.  I am just glad I got the cat food, shakes, etc.  I always buy a bag of cat food when I go to the store so they keep stocking it, and to have a reserve.  It is important to have a reserve if things get crazy I may not be able to get to the store.  If that happens I can just open a spare bag, no big deal.  

Biscuit is on a special diet and it is VITAL he get it.  The other cats can eat anything, and, frankly, I have had so many male cats develop FLUTD I would just as soon have Spotty eating it now, too.  

My supplements are supposed to come today, I sure hope so.  I will check after Arturo comes.  I really want to get started with my supplements that should help a lot with the hot flashes, etc.  I don't care about the cycle I am at least still getting notice when I ovulate so I can get ready.  If it wants to skip a few months that is fine with me.  

And I have Blue Bell Pecan Praline ice cream for dinner.  That should be delicious.  I don't do this very often so it will be a treat.  

That's it for now.  

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