Saturday, June 13, 2020

Saturday morning

I slept pretty good last night except for Ron yelling once in his sleep.  I found him with his headphones and radio, asleep.  I think he shouts at the radio as he sleeps.  

The funny thing his dad ALWAYS slept with the TV on, LOUD.  So I guess it is genetic.  Some people just like to have a loud thing blaring when they sleep, I can't STAND it but Ron loves to sleep like that.  Unlike his Dad, I did get him to wear headphones.  I wonder how that worked for Dad when he went to the nursing home.  

Ron's family had hearing loss pretty thick in the water and his Dad was hard of hearing also so you had to project a little, talking to him.  But he loved Ron and wanted good things for us.  

I miss him.  But there is NO WAY we could have gone to that funeral - the grass with the wheelchair, the ugliness of the other siblings... no.  It would not have been respectful to go because the other kids would have made an ugly scene over us.  

Anyway other than that I slept OK at least I know what is driving the yelling at night - which had been a question.  And some of the other caregivers in my group say they are getting up 6 times a night, every night, to help.  So I guess I will take my medicine.  

I did not want to get up but we're going to work today and have to go.  Ron can sleep in a little yet they are coming later today.  

We will not have a long day just enough to stock some machines and run some change.  Running the change = putting it through our coin sorter so we can put quarters in the bill changer.  The bill changer is a reliable source of paper money if we keep it stocked.  

But the machines looked great when I left on Tuesday and sales have been pretty slow.  I don't expect to have to do a lot.  

Ron has consistently refused to do physical therapy which is going to accelerate his decline, I will remind him of that.  Says the woman who doesn't work out - I need to get back into that myself.  I think I may try afternoons and see how that goes for me.  I am taking my shower at night most nights.  

And I need to get him dressed pretty soon so I'm done for now.  

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