Monday, June 29, 2020

Monday afternoon

So Doc's office texted me we were going over the phone today.  He called Ron early and did that.  

I had gotten the bed bath done and had just applied the deodorant when that happened.  

I made sure Ron was settled, after his appointment, and went to work.  I did the work things.  

"Something" told me to check and see if "our" branch was open yet, it was not.  So I had to go to the same branch I went to on Saturday.  I had the same teller, even, she was very nice, competent, and professional.  She managed the transaction accurately, I got the deposit managed and my pay.  

Then I came home.  Ron was fine.  It reassures me when I find him in good condition.  

I had a snack, took my morning pills.  I had not taken them this morning due to headache, yet again.  It was better by then so I took them.  

Taking an antidepressant when I have a protomigraine will flip it into a full blown episode of nausea and vomiting, along with stricken and miserable.  So I am careful.  

Now, mood stabilizer I am diligent to take that as they have never aggravated a headache but if I have to wait a few hours on the antidepressant I will do it.  

I laid down, couldn't nap.  I got up.  The yard guy came by.  Ron and I did some work from home business.  I called the pharmacy.  

Oh, forgot to mention I signed and mailed the consent form so my aunt can make appointments for me.  I don't care if she knows about my psychiatric care.  She has gotten a big eyeful of my brain over the years anyway.  This will allow her to make appointments for me, as she has a much busier schedule.  

So, did that, yay, me.  

Did the deposit to cover the soda delivery, yay me.  Called in soda order, they got it (Ron checked) 30 cases just like I ordered.  Yay.  You get the idea.  

I worked on my Walmart list.  I plan to go the next couple days.  Cats are good, Torbie is sleeping with Ron.  

I am hoping I get something fun today but we will see.  That's it for now.  

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