Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Oh it was a long day.  

Not sure if I mentioned it last night but found a MOUSE in the kitchen, I don't know what the flabby slugs are doing but NOT hunting.  

Jack brought me some traps which I baited and set up.  Peanut butter, the downfall of many a rodent, and the house looks great it's just one of the cats brought it in, I guess.  

I didn't sleep well, got up, got Ron ready.  He complained a lot.  We got to Sam's and I did the shopping.  Jack came and Ron could NOT get into the truck.  He tried and tried, I tried to help... Jack offered to help but he already had a broken foot so I didn't want to hurt him any more...

He couldn't go to work and here we are miles from home and no ride.  Arturo to the rescue, I sent Jack off with the inventory (very few people I would do that), Arturo came, Ron got in the cab OK, we went home, Ron had trouble getting out of the cab.  So we will now be doing physical therapy.  If he progresses at this rate, he's going to get to the point - pretty rapidly - where I cannot care for him and he will have to be placed.  He will have to work at his strength if he wants to remain independent.  It's going to be his choice.  

It's all well and good to say "I want to live in my bed", don't all of us with depression issues want that?  It is another entirely to share a room with someone shouting all night in another language.  There have also been cases of sexual assault and physical abuse in some nursing homes.  Not necessarily a place I'd like to go.  But it will be up to him I am going to be very clear, offer him therapy every day, etc.  

I am 99% sure his weakness is inactivity, he has had a few issues around the house as well.  I get it, depression + physical pain + physical weakness makes it really hard to do for himself.  But he has to step up and I think he can.  

In the meantime I had to get him home and into bed.  He thought I was just going to leave him in the driveway!  Once I got him settled I baited a trap and called Jack, we went off to work.  I stocked EVERYTHING there is nothing left to do.  Since Jack isn't working right now I called him for a ride home.  I paid him, of course.  

I got home Ron was OK.  I set some more traps and am decompressing.  

What a day.  At least I have tomorrow off.  

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