Thursday, June 18, 2020


 Last night I decided to keep track of the night sweats/hot flashes while sleeping, and how often they woke me up.  I stopped at 5 total, by around 3 am.  

Yeah.  This has been going on a while so it may explain a few things... if I can't get a decent night's sleep that affects EVERYTHING.  

I got up, got ready - we had a later pickup - got Ron ready, off to work.  He took his vitamin and did his physical therapy, and did not require the use of the leg on the wheelchair.  He ate a decent amount of nutritious food and had plenty of healthy beverages.  So I'm happy on the caregiver front.  

We went to work and did it all.  It looks good.  On the way home the driver tried to do something I have not seen in 20 years of riding, backed up near the curb, unfolded the wheelchair ramp, and placed it half on/half off the curb.  It was apparent it would collapse the second anyone put any weight on it and she wanted me to roll Ron off the curb onto this.  

1.  We had a wheelchair ramp right there so that was not the issue.  
2.  I would have taken him off the curb myself if there had not been a ramp.  

I told her no and she got an attitude.  I got a bigger attitude and said Ron would certainly get hurt and I was not doing it.   "No he won't"  "You don't have to take care of him (when he does), I'm not doing it".  

Ron asked what was going on and I said, loudly "She wants to do something reckless that I have never seen another driver do in 20 years and I am not endangering you."  She got back in the car, put it into gear, and pulled up about 15 feet so she could properly unfold the ramp so it rested on the ground.  Then she put Ron in and loaded him properly.  

I was sorry I had to get an attitude but I was not endangering Ron; I know from our own ramp at home if it is not 100% on the higher surface it will COLLAPSE.  He would have fallen, gone sideways, hit his head or broken a bone, maybe thank you.  And she is a contract driver so zero assets to sue.  Assuming I was willing to endanger him which I'm not.  

We got home OK but it was pretty late.  I decided not to take a nap, Ron decided to order vodka.  Due to a misunderstanding Arturo got a large tip which Ron and I agree is OK.  The liquor store sent another cucumber vodka which he doesn't like but he is choking it down.  Me, I would get a nice rum.  You can get rum super cheap but for some reason he doesn't want it.  He says whiskey upsets his stomach.  Well, the stuff he can afford, does.  

Ron is my adoring food slave he loved the taco meat with cheese, and the beans and rice dish I made last night.  He finished up the taco meat and some of the beans tonight.  I need to go see if he is still hungry.  He wanted a little more (beans/rice/sausage).  

Sick of hot flashes, I finally admitted I have a menopause "Problem" and not just symptoms.  Messing with my sleep is always a problem.  So I ordered some herbs from Swanson, Black Cohosh, Angelica, and Wild Yam.  I have taken all, separately, on various occasions the last 10 years.  Every time they helped.  No interactions.  I didn't have much in my account but it seemed well worth the $20.  Hopefully they will do the job synergistically and kick symptoms down.  Happily, not being "plague" related, they have already shipped.  

Ron and I agreed to get rid of the crackers in his room but I kept the protein bars.  He ate one last night (I found the wrapper) and he said it was good.  He asked me to put some food on the door of the fridge for him as he likes to midnight snack - but he was up most of today so likely he will sleep pretty well tonight.  He is currently a little coma beast in his bed.  

Hopefully I will sleep OK, too.  I did find a little bit of Wild Yam (capsules) in my vitamin box so I took a dose.  Hopefully the few pills I have left will hold me until I get my shipment.  Ugh.   Too much caffeine today so hopefully that does not affect me.  

I am definitely going to bed early.  

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