Monday, June 1, 2020


A long day.  I didn't sleep well last night, kept hitting the snooze button. 
I need to feed the cats the night before if I want to sleep in, they were rather frustrated.  I got up, got us ready, off to Ron's doctor. 
Another exciting round of "I can't urinate".  A trip to the bank, I got paid.  We came home. 
I had had a lot of Mountain Dews so I figured I was good for a trip to my bank and Walmart. 
I called Arturo for that.  I got the bank business done and did my shopping at Walmart.  It was pretty unremarkable except for an employee, clearly FAS and manic, following me around because he saw the bags of cat food in my cart.  He kept blabbering at me, very unprofessional.  I finally got rid of him, got the last items on my list, and checked out. 
I called Arturo again and came home, put everything away.  Ron needed some help so I did that.  I am beat. 
We have tomorrow off and I need it, I am just wiped out.  He wanted me to adjust him in bed just now but could not communicate how - I finally told him I was "very tired" and he told me never mind.  My feet are killing me, I'm tired, my muscles hurt from moving him earlier. 
He was so "rickety" getting in and out of the Uber that one driver physically assisted him.  My aunt has also commented "how bad" Ron looks getting in and out of cars.  I guess I am used to it. 
I strongly suggested he start with physical therapy exercises every day - he has a book of them, and I have stretchy bands - he just needs to commit to doing it.  I will be more aggressive in pushing that. 
I may also consider hiring someone to stay with him when I am out shopping.  I will need to look into that.  I am fine with the concept of having someone in my home assuming they like cats, my issue would be stealing.  I have a footlocker I can put our important papers into and then just lock that.  I am certain they would snoop but not much to see.  And I would only be gone for 2 hours tops.  I will think about it. 
Where to find them?  I will look.  I would rather not use an agency because they want to set you up "on a plan" of home care and right now I only want a couple hours a week. 
Of course, if I didn't have my stalker/snitch I could just take comments on this but someone has gone and ruined that. 
I am finishing up some laundry, and I plan to check the mail again.  There was nothing in the box when I checked earlier.  When that is done I plan to put my feet up. 

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