Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday morning

I miss the comments sometimes but I do NOT miss the abuse and the stalking.  

For instance, Ron fell out of bed the other night.  I am sure that would have created quite the uproar.  Obviously we got him back into bed.  I did some research and they swore a pool noodle under the fitted sheet was the answer to all my troubles... it was not.  Ron kept trying to use it as a lever to move around and it came loose, I don't know if it fell out or he took it but next to the bed now.  He doesn't want rails but is getting them if it happens again.  

I just thank God I am 20 years younger than him and do physical activity for a living.  Oh, speaking of, I had made trips to go to work but they were only going to give us an hour so not worth it.  Ron made "proper" trips to go to work tomorrow after we meet the neighbors.  

An utterly hideous depression hit last night.  I am going to be battling for a while.  I have housework I need to do but lacking motivation.  It's still pretty early.  I would like to sweep, clean the litter boxes, and finish the dishes in the sink.  I may break it up into 3 jobs.  Well, Cleo just used to box so I have to wait on that.  I will say the cats are great about using the box.  Very rarely Baby Girl has left a turd in a doorway as an indicator she is not pleased with the status of the litter box.  And I have always taken the message and cleaned it up immediately.  That has happened maybe 3 times in the 8 years we've had her.  I try to be diligent.  

That was funny they are cleaning out my house after the break there go the bed and dresser but they left all the cat stuff.  All the litter boxes, the trees, all of it.  They did take one small tree Spotty liked I was happy to get it back.  It made me realize how much cat stuff has taken up in my house.  

And that's why most of the bookcases went, a lot of my craft stuff, etc. on cleanout day because I would much rather have the cats.  Another thing I didn't get back: my bathing suit.  I guess I shouldn't have deleted the email from Lands End.  But that is something I would only need if Ron did a water fitness program; which I would love.  That would be so beneficial for him but he won't hear it.  I feel he is still able to make his own decisions so I will let it rest.   Boy I can only imagine the comments on that one.  

But I would get next day delivery on that baddazz if he said yes.  I don't go in the Gulf anymore since someone contracted a mortal flesh eating bacteria while in the gulf waters off the coast of our local beach.  That happened about 15 years ago.  

Back in 2011 I piddled around in the water some but that's been it.  

So Amazon tells me UPS is bringing my package.  I know the guy he is very nice and our regular driver, a middle aged white guy, a little beefy, but always very professional.  

It is nice to have a regular UPS guy, not that I get a hell of a lot from them.  But my cousin works for them, and the driver said they are a great company.  That is good to know I am helping.  

I have some hives on my legs I guess I am allergic to the almonds.  Whenever I get hives it is always the legs, always in summer.  Very uncomfortable and super hard not to pick.  

I am a picker, I admit it.  I have discussed this.  Cuticles, etc. mainly but a hive will do.  It is apparently something that is common with depression, because, looking back, it was always really bad when I was depressed.  

I haven't gotten those papers from my Doctor yet so I will need to call.  It will be easier if my aunt makes the appointment for me she is far busier than I am.  

Their whole generation is very active and spry, and Ron and I are pretty sidelined with our problems.  I am very happy for the other guys but it just goes to show you can't always pick who will be healthy or not.  Ron was always a very active guy, terrible diet, didn't work out, but otherwise very active.  We used to walk everywhere.  I very seldom called a cab (no Uber back then).  The last one was the cab that took me to Houston.  I had a very nice driver wanted to move to San Diego.  We were pretty united we were done with the cost of living in the San Francisco Bay Area.  I hope he made it, he was a nice guy.  I tipped him more than I "should" but it was my last day there.  

And my computer shipped fine I did lose a floppy drive but that was easily replaced.  I also lost my books, I was really glad I had not put my Bible or diary in there.  

I have never regretted moving to Houston.  I love it here.  Ron is sleeping which is fine but he will be a little groggy tomorrow if he doesn't get some sleep tonight.  

Done with depression: I took a kratom we will see if that helps.  I am working up my energy to sweep.   The floor is a little gritty so I have to do it, it's aggravating.  

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