Monday, June 22, 2020

Small Bites (Monday afternoon)

I did my God Time, did some kettlebells (swings and squats), and got Ron do do some overhead presses with my 5# kettlebell.  I tried to take a nap but couldn't, got up.  

It has rained all day with serious thunderstorms.  I had thought I might go to Walmart but the streets were starting to flood and it's later than I like to go, so I stayed home.  

Tomorrow will be work, not much fun but I will get it done.  And I will be able to enjoy Wednesday knowing I did it all tomorrow.  I got Ron to take his vitamin and eat, but I need to get him to do some "legs" on physical therapy.  I try to vary it every time so he doesn't get bored.  The same old leg lift day in, day out, he'll get bored and stop.  

I am thinking about getting leg weights for him.  I got him to do some lower body PT.  I gave him some choices he wanted to do a lot of leg lifts, so that's what we did.  Spotty kept getting under the leg as he raised it in the air and otherwise "helping", it was pretty funny.  Ron wasn't dressed or I'd have made a video.  He is lying down with Ron, I am happy Ron did 4 sets of leg lifts to failure although he doesn't care about that.  

To failure means you do the exercise again and again until you can't.  I am currently working on him doing "something" most days of the week just to get in the habit.  Ideally we can work up to some time on the exercise bike as well.  

Am I any sort of trainer?  No.  I have trained myself and ran a half marathon, lost 80 pounds twice, so I know a little about challenging myself.  I can apply that as Ron would NEVER go to anyone else.  I imagine he might allow someone to come to the house now and then but I think I am good for most of it.  I want to preserve function and flexibility, build strength.  We can do that.  At least keep him from getting worse he needs to be able to get in and out of a personal car because the wheelchair cab will not always be around.  His back is so bad he can't really do anything standing so it will all be done flat in bed.  

I did have a good workout today I was challenged but didn't overdo.  I imagine I will be a little stiff tomorrow but shouldn't be too bad, I only used the 15 pound weight.  Tomorrow, if ambitious, I will do 10 minutes on the exercise bike, work my way up to a half hour most days, then 15 minutes or so of kettlebell a couple times a week.  I did find my workout notebook so I can start logging again, it is encouraging to log progress and I would advise anyone to do that.  It doesn't have to be fancy, I get the ones you buy for a quarter at Walmart during back to school.  I wonder how that is going to go this year.  

So I am happy we both worked out today.  Hopefully we come out of this stronger than we went in.  

I am not doing comments for quite a while, if ever.  It is just not worth the abuse.  And the ending comment that made me end it all "You abuse me when you say nice things about Ron" is downright scary.  My traffic has gone down hopefully the stalker has gone away, but I'm not taking chances for a very long time, if that.  

I also decided not to mess with the tip jar.  I will put up the wish list every month or so if someone wants to buy me something I want, but that's it.  Oh, my headache is finally gone, hopefully I can think about eating soon and get my pills onboard.  

Ron seemed plenty challenged without the weights so I think I can "weight" on them for a while.  :p  I would so love to get him in water workout classes but he is adamant he will not.  It's a shame, I think it would help a lot.  But it's his call.  The transportation would probably be difficult anyway.  

Oh, and probably a TMI here - I got some new tampons because playtex stopped making the ultra, which is really disappointing.  So I got the Tampax ultra which said they had a special outer layer to facilitate removal.  It was HORRIBLE like putting bleach up there it was very uncomfortable.  I had to get rid of it and do something else instead.  

But nothing unusual so far for this cycle other than the headache today, instead of yesterday.  

I think I will just do a protein shake for dinner.   I'm just not hungry.  

Last week, I did a couple of smart things.  1.  I bought 3 different kinds of hard cheese.  2.  I cut them up and put them in a ziplock in the fridge/freezer.  Now I can grab a handful of cheese whenever I want a small snack.  It's great.  

I am not crazy about the Queso Duro - I bought it when manic, of course, the flavor reminds me of swiss cheese which I don't care for, but it's still edible and the 2 kinds of cheddar are fantastic.  I will definitely do this again.  Ron hasn't been interested but I did put some on the door for him if he does get hungry.  

I plan to buy him some peeled hard boiled eggs when I go back to Walmart he enjoys a boiled egg now and then.  They are easy enough to prepare, I put salt in a plastic cup, add the hard boiled egg and hand it to him.  

And I got Ron to do some more leg exercises this is one where he pushes his heel against my hand as hard as he can.  Both legs have some kick!  I had my hands full resisting!  Especially the left leg which is now his dominant side.  So I was happy got him to do a little more and he was happy to do it.  

It often works to do a little (of anything), go away, come back.  Do some more.  Finish.  Doing it all at once?  I think that's a head injury thing he shuts down.  But small bites, as he used to say, will do it.  

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