Friday, June 5, 2020

I don't own a rubber stamp and I wouldn't use it, either.

Not all minorities are ignorant, of course, but the ignorant ones do a lot of harm to the perception of the race as a whole.  That said, I am SICK of the white bread pandering to the looters.  It is NOT OK to go on rampages breaking and destroying things, blocking traffic (ambulances and fire trucks among the vehicles stopped), etc.  IT IS NOT OK.  I am never going to "endorse or support" "Your position".  No, I am NOT.  It is chaos, mayhem, and anarchy.  That is not something to back. 
Now, if you can have a peaceful protest, write letters, do it the democratic way by lobbying and votes, I support you.  A peaceful protest where properties are not harmed, bricks are not thrown, property is not damaged, roads clear, etc that is great.  No problem there. 
It is NOT OK to stand on someone's neck as they beg for air, until they die.  No matter what kind of person he was it's still not OK.  We can all agree on that. 
But having tantrums running amok I have serious issues.  You harm "the cause" for the informed blacks who are NOT doing this, you make them all look like thugs and criminals.  You set things back; you do not advance relations. 
None of these people gave a damn about George when he was alive.  Now they are just using him as an excuse for bad behavior.  And the democrats/left wingers are trying to guilt white people into rubber stamping all this mayhem because "it's a race issue". 
It is not, a black man and an Asian participated in this death.  It is a police issue, a BLUE one, not a black.  The Minneapolis police department has had serious issues and needs a cleanout from top to bottom. 
I am so tired of this in my Facebook feed.  I married a black man and understand MANY issues.  What I find most telling is how black people treat him differently when they find out he is black.  If race doesn't matter why is it mattering? 
Good question. 

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