Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Tuesday afternoon

Ron had a very healthy lunch of V8 and hardboiled eggs.  He asked to do physical therapy, which we did.  He did not want to practice transfers but he did the other exercises.  

I had a pretty good nap, Cleo laid down with me but got up while I slept.  Ron's pain has been manageable today.  I got the insurance forms for next year, and I watered the grass/jasmine.  I want to keep the soil moist because my pipes run underground.  

Long time readers, do you remember the horrible time I had when that pipe broke in my yard back in 2011?  What is it with me and broken pipes?  But my soil is nice and moist now, I didn't have a lot of run off either.  I am sure the ecosystem is happy.  

I did have an overwhelming urge to run through the sprinkler, though.  I never went to water parks in Virginia.  I did, however, have the sprinkler.  Dad would set it up in the front yard and we kids would run back and forth.  Good times.  When we moved to CA they had a water park some distance, and I went several times... but I still have fond memories of the sprinkler.  

Ron and I never went to a water park, amusement park, etc.  We went hiking one time only.  It is a big regret of mine.  

Ron had a friend who, as it turns out, later diagnosed bipolar.  He had a car and picked us up one day, said "pack for a couple of days" and took us to Yosemite.  He wouldn't let us get out of the car, though, he didn't want us hiking without him and he had recently had foot surgery, so he played dog in a manger - I can't do it and neither can you.  I would have loved to go hiking with Ron there.  I really wanted to take Ron on this hike.  Oh, well.  

We did hit Galveston plenty before the accident so no real regrets there.  

Ron made trips for tomorrow, we work, but not a very long time.  Sales just don't merit a lot of time spent.  He does need to sort change.  I can do the rest.  

The cats have been very cute we had 3 of them up on the bed during the physical therapy, pretty funny.  They kept getting in his way.  

But there is no way Ron would agree to go to a facility for PT, even assuming they are open.  I finished doing the laundry... cooked up some taco meat and had a good lunch.  The corn tortillas couldn't handle the meat so I tore them up and made a casserole.  It was pretty good.  Then I did the dishes... so the housework is current.  

I already took my pills but plan to have a cup of noodles later on.  Spotty and Cleo are wrestling.  

I may not have said it, the last 2 times I got "a" kitten I got a pair.  When I had a single kitten I had issues with them being hyper, bugging me when I wanted peace, attacking my feet when I slept in bed, peeing on the covers, etc.  

Biscuit and Gravy came as a pair and were a dream, none of the above issues.  Just two happy little boys.  Last year I got Cleo and Spotty as a pair, no issues.  At worst he tried to mount her a few times before I got him fixed but that abated.  They love each other and get along great, work out all that bonus energy on each other... definitely get two if you are thinking about getting "a" kitten.  

You really want to impress me?  Get two all black ones!  The blackies are awesome pets and very glamorous lying around your home, and the cat hair will not show up on dark clothes.  I had nothing but good times with Bubba (the black one) and would absolutely get another black cat.  

As it turned out Cleo and Spotty needed me the most, so I took them.  And I'm glad I did.  

That's it for now.  

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