Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Not a good start to my day

A challenging day when I am listening to Eminem already at 7 AM.  

I did sleep OK, Ron made a big  production about "letting" me sleep which I found mildly offensive because he SHOULD.  I didn't have any hot flashes that I remember, either.  But I woke up with a pretty nasty headache.  

I think I know the trigger on that, my fault, but I will be OK.  I got up and took some Excedrin.  I am out of soda but the caffeine in the headache pills will help with that.  

Then he says "I know this will upset you"  [I need to learn to stop him right there and say "Well, don't do it, then"].  "But I really want you to hear this".  

So he turns it on, it is an excerpt from "Woman on Top" a book that came out in the 80's, I think.  It is 90% porno with 10% intellectual bullcrap about why women "have" to fantasize, use porn, etc., how doing so is "owning your body".  Ron likes it because it justifies the use of porn and shows that women can be sex addicts, too.  It is actually a very sad book.  He used to have me read it to him on tape until he realized he could get it from the state library.  Your tax dollars at work, some poor woman had to read porno onto tape for blind people... anyway he dubbed it off the media onto a flash drive so he can listen whenever he wants.  

He played me a part about how women are taught to keep themselves clean "down there" and how it "makes them think they are dirty"  He said women are never dirty down there and I blew up at him.  

1.  I told him reading porn is a violation of our marriage.  
2.  It makes me very angry.  
3.  I am not going to titillate him with discussion of the book.  
4.  Had he ever heard of a bowel movement?  If he had to clean himself after one so did women.  Infections and odor are real considerations.  

I stormed off.  He turned it off and went back to sleep.  When he wakes up I am going to tell him, if he plays that for me again, any part of the book, out loud, I am going to smash the flash drive so he cannot do so again.  That should make the point.  It rude and cruel, just as bad as if I brought some other man into our home and did him.  (Although Ron would probably enjoy that).  

It is unfair at best.  See, if I had a lot of sexual crimes against Ron I would not want to constantly remind him of it.  But he cheated on me plenty and used a lot of porn which I also consider cheating.  If I were him I would not want to remind me of all his offenses.  It doesn't build a bond, to say the least.  

At least my headache is better.  

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