Friday, June 19, 2020

I hope I get a good nap today

I went to bed early, pretty tired, did not sleep well up a few times, drink some cold water, help Ron, etc.  Back to sleep.  

I heard Ron moving around but, like a bat, he is most active at night.  SCREAM!  SCREAM!  It was coming from the front room.  I ran up to the kitchen.  I thought he had fallen out of his wheelchair and hurt himself.  

Overwhelming smell of garlic.  Ron had the fridge open, was chewing, and screaming "It burns!"  

Now, in my defense I have told Ron MANY times, your snacks are on the door of the fridge.  Just open them and there you go.  I have drinks, soda, lunchables, etc. for him on the door.  I have energy bars and protein bars next to his bed.  

I managed to get him calmed down and into bed.  He related what happened.  He woke up, hungry, went to the kitchen.  He wanted a hearty snack and felt the lunchables and other snacks would not hold him, so he looked in the main body of the fridge where I keep the ingredients.  He found a bag that, I believe, resembles the bag we get the peeled, hard boiled eggs - thinking on it the bags are very similar but the contents VERY different.  Anyway, he thought it looked likely, undid the zip top, grabbed a big handful of raw, peeled, garlic cloves, and munched.  

Interestingly enough he did swallow it all.  One of the drivers at paratransit has come down sick with Covid and was driving a day we rode, so theoretically could have had us.  So I see the garlic as a very good thing for his immune system.  It is fine to consume garlic raw, he only got a few cloves' worth I think.  He is lying in bed sleeping fitfully but is sleeping, and no more screaming.  

But what a way to wake up.  My head started throbbing once the excitement died down so I said screw it, got up, took some Headache Relief Tablets, and got into the Dew Zero.  

What a start to the day, and AREN'T I glad there will be no comments on this post.  

Edit: I got rid of the garlic as I don't use it that often anyway (I am mildly allergic).  

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