Saturday, June 6, 2020

Old Sparky

I have cash to pay the computer guy.  I didn't want to 'bother" him but I am looking forward to my new computer... so I sent him a text with a picture of the money.  [laugh]  "Coming today, or tomorrow?" and our names.  So we will see. 
For now old Sparky is limping along.  Message board was really sluggish, though. 
I was kind of irritable earlier with Ron, but apologized, he was very nice about it.  He is not grudgy lately.  That makes it a lot easier to admit when I screw up, which I would like to think isn't often. 
Torbie got mad I put something on "her" couch cushion but I moved it, she's happy now.  Biscuit and Baby Girl are hanging out with Ron, I saw Cleo in the backyard earlier, they like to hunt little wiggly things.  The AC had been running a lot today but last months' bill was only $70 so not too worried. 
I am not very hungry today so I put some protein shakes in the fridge.  I will have one for dinner.  Ron already had a steak burrito so he's good for a  while.  I could stand to get the pills onboard I am a little manic. 
Ron is good, though, very appreciative and not bugging me.  I got a nice clear canister for the split peas - I finally admitted I needed a big one - and the beans and rice look very nice lined up on the counter.  I will likely make some lentils with the garlic sausage, tomorrow. 
I am tired but that runs with my medication and illness.  I can go to bed early tonight.  A lot of times I forget I have a serious medical condition and need to care for myself.  I focus on Ron and don't always pay attention to my own needs. 
Years ago, when I was first diagnosed as bipolar, I desperately wanted to get a tattoo of the Chinese symbol for "balance". 
IE isn't letting me post the image but here is a link:  no that isn't working either this sucks I really need a new computer. 
Anyway, it is 2 Chinese symbols. I used to think of it only in the context of my illness but it also applies to caregiving as well.  Maybe I should get it. 
Of course I would always wonder if the symbols really meant "Dumb Bitch" or something. 
I will think about it, it might be a good reminder.  Bible says "Don't mark your bodies for the dead" and that's all I have read on the subject. 
I have to get back in the Bible reading habit but I have read it cover to cover more than once and I never saw anything else on the subject.  A reminder to take care of myself would be fine. 
I hear noises let me go see if it's my guy.  No. 
I was craving salt so I made some water with salt in it.  I want to be careful I have been drinking a lot of water today. 
My aunt also gets dry mouth from what I can tell she is a big mint and gum chewer. 
The salt in the water is working really well I am finally not craving salt anymore.  My body is pretty good at letting me know what I need.  Ron is having a fun time listening to his radio happily he is not difficult to entertain. 
The State Library opened up again some time ago, they sent him about 10 talking books and he is enjoying that.  They download audio files to a thumb drive, basically, and you plug it into a specially designed machine.  The machine and books are free if you can certify you are print disabled in some way, quadriplegic, blind, severe dyslexic, etc.  Doc fills out a form you get the machine and then you request books.  Ron likes Jayne Ann Krentz he is reading a lot of her lately.  He could get books about anything, childbirth, menopause, diet, fiction of all types, etc.  It keeps him occupied which is the point.  They come in the mail. 
They used to come as 5-10 cassette tapes they had 4 tracks on the tape, so he was always taking it out and flipping it, and then the tapes would break, etc. it was a big hassle.  The new way is much better.  I need to make sure his machine is charged before we lose power, if we do, tomorrow night. 
I don't read much lately 1.  Where do I put the books?  2.  Bad luck with Kindles - hey you want to mail me one I will take it but I'm not in a hurry to buy one.  If I did it would be way down the list.  But I used to love reading and I had a librarian in the family.  I just get tired now. 
Fatigue is a big theme in my life if I haven't been clear on that.  I don't like to whine though.  I do try to get enough protein, healthy fats, and fiber in my diet, take supplements (when they don't make me sick!), etc. 
That's it for now. 

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