Monday, June 22, 2020

Monday Morning

I slept fine but boy did I bleed.  Not on the sheets, thank God.  But I had a real mess this morning.  

I doubled up (pad + tampon) so I should be fine today.  It is raining so Ron cancelled work, part of work is waiting outside in the elements with no protection so that was out.  Besides, we don't have inventory.  

So we talked, he gets tomorrow off, I will make a Sam's run, stock it, etc. I already arranged it with Jack.  

Biscuit was super cuddly this morning and kept tapping my leg with his paw - he's a very smart boy.  I'll remind you he is the one who climbed me like a tree when I first met him, meowing and purring at me, very sweet and cuddly, begging me to rescue him which I did.  

So, I picked him up, and he let me, for a while.  I petted him, hugged him, he purred, we had a good old time.  He eventually got tired of it and wiggled so I put him down.  I never hold a cat against their will it doesn't build a bond.  

I need to clean the boxes when the rain stops but I will get it.  I spoke too soon about the hormonal headache I did have a nasty one this morning, another reason I did not fight Ron on cancelling work.  

I am getting ready to go do my God Time that should be good.  I am glad Carlos put in a ceiling light for me that works a lot better than a lamp.  

Ron is happy.  Cats are good.  That's it for now.  

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