Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thursday morning

Ron fell out of bed last night, that was fun getting him up.  Then a difficult morning I was afraid to leave him when I went to Walmart.  But I did and he was still in bed when I got home.  He is sleeping all day he will be up all night.  

So, a difficult morning if you count getting woken up at midnight with Ron screaming for rescue, trapped between the bed and the wall.  Pretty common from what I read, though.  

I took my shower, got dressed, went to the "other" walmart.  So far the worst part of the day's the fact I forgot the electric bill.  But it isn't due for a week.  

It was interesting, cleaner, different layout.  I could get used to it I think.  I got a POOL NOODLE.  The thinking, I read this at "like" 2 am, you put it under the fitted sheet at the edge of the bed, it creates a "speed bump" that keeps the patient from falling out of bed.  I also plan to put the bookcase between the bed and the wall to provide shelving for him.  He fell because he dropped his radio and leaned way over the edge feeling around for it.  

He did take a multivitamin so we will see if that helps over time, it is coated so it should be easier for him.  It certainly can't hurt.  

I got various things at the store, the ham wasn't very good but they did have the cat food, they had the mega-rolls I like (I am using up some generic brand but I am not buying it again), etc.  I got all that and checked out, called Arturo.  He came pretty quick (they had seating, unlike the other store) and I got home, saw Ron was alright.  I put away all the perishables and tried to take a nap.  

Ron has a thing, I don't know if it is a senior thing or not, I don't recall him doing this 20 years ago - of shouting loudly in his sleep.  He did that for a while and I wasn't sleeping any way so I said EFF it and got up.  I did already treat the wasps.  Cats are good Spotty was very cuddly in my bed.  He is a little charmer.  He could win anyone over.  My stepmother adores him and calls him "My Baby".  She has a thing for orange cats anyway.  I am just going to let Ron sleep, then when he is up and alert put him in his wheelchair and redo his room for him. The bookcase will keep him from falling as well as the noodle.  Although I had a heck of a time figuring out the $6 noodle on my Walmart invoice.  

I made the trips for tomorrow we need to go to work.  Saturday we need to be home so we can talk to the neighbors.  I have the sprinkler set up for when she gets the sod but I don't want to run it until she gets the stump killer on the red-tips, or we will have an even more vigorous hedge.  Right now the side yard is all dirt some water will take care of that, probably don't even need the sod.  But if she does it I will take care of it.  

A very small gripe of mine I hate to see people get sod and not water it, and it dies.  It is very sad I love plants and hate to see them die.  Even grass.  So I will be diligent.  

I am going to call in the water bill in a little bit.  Then I just have to do the electric next week.  

I am going to go so I can get setup to call the water bill and all that.  

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