Saturday, June 20, 2020

Saturday afternoon

I feel like the champ.  

I did meal prep for the week - not formal meal prep but a big pot of split peas for Ron, cut up some cheese for snacking (3 different types), did the dishes, took a shower, tried to nap but headache said no, took a headache pill, Ron woke up, changed his sheets, gave him a bath, did physical therapy, got him his vitamin, fed him, had some good cuddle time with Cleo...good times.  

Not exactly in that order but you get the idea.  Ron is happy in bed.  

He still gets a little emotional at times with the music.  I guess that is just a head injury thing I don't stress about it now.  

Cleo got up on the couch with me, it was adorable.  She likes to get under my right arm as I pet her.  Put her paws on me and purr at me, she's precious.  She couldn't be any cuter.  We had a good time, it is hard to believe she used to be feral, and would run away if I touched her.  And that wasn't even a year ago.  I am so proud of her.  

Ron is a little envious that Cleo is "my" cat just like Baby Girl is "his" cat, but we have an understanding.  Cat's first, then spouse.  The key to a happy marriage.  

That's it for now.  

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