Saturday, June 6, 2020

Saturday morning

So today I am cleaning the Social Justice Warriors out of my Facebook which apparently makes me a neo-Nazi according to Google.  I wish I had emojis in here I would have a hysterically laughing face, at that. 
You can look up SJW's if you don't know what they are, I see them as moralizers married to their same race, if even married, with pure white children and living in a white neighborhood lecturing ME about racial equality. 
In case you didn't know, I am married to a black man.  I live in a black/Mexican neighborhood.  If I had children they would be considered black, legally. 
And we can't forget a black officer stood by and let Floyd die.  So that shatters the racial narrative.  I don't need people moralizing and judging me when I, more than any of them, am right in my thinking. 
So there will be a cleanout if I see anything.  There was a whole list from one woman on how I am "oppressing".  Which is a load of crap. 
I did find it interesting, now that Floyd has been discredited as a drug user and repeat felony offender, they have taken "Breonna" now and are using her as their new poster child.  Now, if she really got shot by the police while sleeping that is terrible but that is a legal/civil matter. Looting a shoe store and burning it down is not going to bring her back. 
Anyway, done with that.  My computer should come sometime today I am looking forward to that.  We have an Asian guy for our computer work, how cliché is that?  My brother in law, Chinese, does computers.  I always really liked him and was really sorry when my sister divorced him, but she was convinced he was the devil. 
Now, you have seen plenty of times I get sick of Ron and his crap.  It gets old.  But I don't hang onto that and I believe that was her big issue, she wouldn't let things go.  Our grandmother was like that and died alone...there is a lesson there for the wise.  Let things go, have people in your life.  Hang onto grudges it is YOU carrying the weight, the person you hate is out there living a great life and may even enjoy watching you stew.  And, last I heard, my sister was under psychiatric care, taking medication, getting therapy 3 x a week and still hadn't got it. 
I was blessed I had some years of good therapy with a very nice lady as a teen, I think she gave me some pretty good tools to analyze and cope.  Dad spent about a good state college education on her.  So I never feel cheated he didn't pay for my college. 
One thing she taught was I can't hang onto injustices (!) I have to move on and adjust.  She was a very nice lady.  I should look her up.  She is still working and has a PhD now.  Way to go!  When I knew her she was working on the Master's I think.  Very nice lady, good memories.  Boy I cried buckets in that office. 
I find it interesting how no one could see I was bipolar until I was 32, then it's like God took the blinders off.  I will never forget my aunt "I thought so" when I told her.  LOL  Poor thing she has been through the wringer with me.
But better living now with medication.  I did call Doc and request a form.  My aunt cannot get updates on my condition, even though she sits in the appointment at Doc's request, because I haven't signed a form.  She cannot make appointments for me, either.  SO I requested the form, finally, and then she will be able to set up appointments because she has a very busy schedule.  For me, you can say "A, B, C days are fine, any time" can't always say that for her.  If nothing else she has a pretty active schedule with her retired husband and she does grandbaby duty with an infant and toddler.  My aunt has a pretty good idea what's going on in my head anyway so I am not worried about her.  Because it all (test results, etc) get discussed in front of her anyway.  Doc likes her in the room during the visit so he can find out if I am REALLY OK.  Years of clinical practice have taught him that. 
I slept pretty good last night except Ron turned on the flashlight in his emergency radio.  It woke me up, but I got it turned off and he didn't do it again.  I went back to sleep and slept great.  I got up around 7 the cats were ready for breakfast.  I took my shower last night so don't need one today. 
I got some Irish spring soap the last time I was at Walmart and I like the fragrance, for now.  I got some deodorant in Irish Spring, too so I am very fresh today.  Ron was up when I got up so I gave him some preemptive Kratom and Ibuprofen because the storm is coming and will drop the barometric pressure, which will cause pain.  Better to get it ahead of time.  I will stay up with that because I don't need him in agony as a storm rolls in. 
Our last bad storm was back in 2008 so before his back got really bad.  He also let me give him some tart cherry and ginger root capsules yesterday, I will continue that.  They seem to help as well.  I am a supplement whore whatever works for Ron is going in his mouth but I always make sure it is safe and doesn't have interactions.  He is fine now but "cold" so I turned off the AC. 
Oh, I just remembered my groceries are coming soon.  I checked my email - no ham, but that is OK.  I have ham I just wanted a lot.  I use it for Ron's split pea but he still has some in the freezer I want him to eat before I make a new batch. 
At some point I would like to make some lentils with garlic sausage this weekend but we will see.  I am a little paranoid about migraines... I need to get some tip money for the driver.  Done. 
I would have liked that ham... oh, well, it's the weekend, a big storm coming in.  Close enough to get Houston worried but not likely to cause any serious issues for us. 
To be clear I have a couple pounds of chopped ham on hand already.  I am looking forward to the garlic sausage.  Years ago my father in law - a man I always really liked, and I were shopping at the grocery store, picking up a few things for a family dinner. 
He was a very proud man and I can say it now, illiterate.  He had to drop out of school as a child to support his family after his Dad died, he always had a fierce work ethic.  So he needed me to read for him, but he didn't say it because he was proud.  But I knew and I think he knew I knew Ron had told me, but we never discussed it. 
He would say the print was too small and ask me to read things for him, I went along because I loved him and he was a good man.  We really bonded over gardening and our love for Ron. 
So there we are at the sausage case, he picks up a package of Chappel Hill sausage and says "Only buy this sausage, it's the only good one you'll find".  So I have always done that.  It is made not far from Houston, in, appropriately enough, Chappel Hill.  So that's the only one I get. 
I have some of that in the garlic, it is more expensive but I think my FIL was right, worth it.  And this was from a man who lived at the poverty level his whole life. 
I got a package that has about 3 ounce links I will cut one up with a cup of dry lentils.  Should be good.  Sometimes I just fry it in a skillet really good to eat.  About the only thing you can say it isn't very high in iron but other than that delicious. 
I'm not really hungry I ate a honey bun with my pills this morning because I didn't want to get sick like yesterday.  That was NO fun and I have groceries inbound, I have a computer guy, I need to be sharp. 
I deleted the email app from my cell phone because it was acting up.  I have a fairly new phone it shouldn't have been having issues.  And, to be honest, I would rather use that memory for music downloads.  We don't have wi fi at work but I can play saved music off my cell phone as I work, on the speaker, because I need to be able to hear Ron and the customers.  It distracts me from the news/talk shows that constantly play on the TV at work.  I am conservative and what's played on TV at work, is not. 
That's it for now.   

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