Thursday, June 25, 2020

Thursday morning

Well, I didn't sleep great last night but the cats got the mouse and left him in Ron's doorway.  I found it and disposed of it, cleaned the floor with some fight-bac.  So I call that a win.  

Ron has been pretty drunk this morning which has affected his ability to get in/out of his wheelchair.  But I did manage to change his sheets.  He has been saying the left side of his bed is lower than the right, it is not, but he has this problem sometimes with the head injury, the bed feels imbalanced to him.  

So I found a brick in the yard and used that to prop the left side of the bed.  He wasn't very coherent but he seemed happy with it, and the bed was OK elevated like that with me on it, so I have to assume it will be fine with his weight.  He has a metal platform frame with the mattress on it.  He is snoring right now.  

I am going to do kettlebells in a little bit and then do my God Time, do some laundry.  Not sure what else is planned.  It is raining so I don't want to go out and the bus company sent me another text basically saying "Forget about riding today".  Budget is not great, either.  But I have food, cat food.  

Oh, on that... I had a feast of wet food for them this morning.  Odds are they will not relate it to the mouse but I gave them some fishy wet stuff and a can of their favorite mixed grill.  

I did my God Time and fed Ron.  Found his radio.  Did Kettlebells.  Took a shower.  Not in that order.  But I got it all done.  

Now I need to make trips for tomorrow.  

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