Thursday, June 4, 2020

Thursday afternoon

I am getting sick of everyone breaking things down into black and white.  I was going to write a whole post on this but decided it could be used against me.  I am frustrated at the us vs them. 
You know who I feel sorry for?  The black guys who are not ignorant, who have striven to educate and inform themselves, independent thinkers, hard working, pay their bills, maintain their homes, loving husbands and fathers, getting lumped in with ignorant looting thugs.  Those are the ones I feel sorry for. 
Ron was right, they suffer more.  One political party is always up for handouts to the ignorant to buy votes, but those who do and think for themselves are left out in the cold. 
And generally the far right sees them as ignorant looting thugs so they really are alone. 
I will not talk about Floyd's home invasion victim back in 2007 other than to say I'm sure she could tell you about a very different man. 
Ron has had a pretty good day for pain just a few Advil.  He has a terrible time remembering the name and calls them "Not-Tylenol-The-Other-One" and of course I know what he means. 
If I do get a helper in here there is going to be a learning curve on things like that.  I did manage to feed Ron a cheese sausage (cheese is in the meat, they are very good).  I had a nasty headache when I woke up so I haven't eaten much.  But Ron and the cats are good, the kitchen looks good, etc.  I need to strip the bed when Ron gets up and do a load of laundry but nothing urgent. 
The cleaner does not have a fragrance so that will work with Ron.  It was surprisingly difficult to find but now that I know it exists I can get it. 
I remember one time I worked with someone who claimed to have chemical sensitivity.  She was a very confrontational person and would get in people's faces shouting.  I was very careful to only use unscented products around her until, some months into my tenure, she invited me over for a BBQ.  What did she mean, I asked.  She was going to BBQ that weekend, her, on the grill.  What kind of grill?  Charcoal.  How do you light it?  Lighter fluid.  She also smoked I had learned.  I decided her "issue" was just a way to get attention because no way would someone be using lighter fluid and smoking cigarettes if they had a true chemical sensitivity because they are nothing but toxic chemicals.  I regretfully (to her) declined and said screw it started using regular soaps, shampoo, deodorant, and she never noticed.  She was just using what is a real problem as an excuse to go off on people.  Not classy. 
Not much better than the unmedicated bipolars who run around crapping on people, causing drama, etc. and saying "What do you expect I'm bipolar" .  I can't abide those people and one reason I am always diligent about taking my medication.  My mother pulled that crap, created a lot of harm "I'm a bipolar alcoholic, you have to be nice to me".  F%ck that.  Be responsible. 
I did find it interesting just how much time the social worker devoted to my medication. 
Ron really loves his new urinals.  I am happy we found something that works I will just not use the large size at all for food, and they are all marked with a sharpie as well. 
We work tomorrow but not early so that will be nice to sleep in a little.  I got up at 8 and that was very nice. 
My silicone spoonula came and it is very nice, it has a good flexible head.  I don't want to rip the nonstick out of my pots and this seems like a good way to do it.  I actually read about it in a review of a cooking pot "I always use silicone utensils".  I didn't know you could - so I hunted down something nice. 
My favorite kitchen accessories are a bright, cheerful, red.  I really enjoy red in the kitchen.  My aunt almost had a heart attack when I mentioned possibly doing red paint in the kitchen, she was aghast.  But I can certainly do red accessories.  I do consider painting the cabinets at times, they are fake wood and nothing special, but they do hold everything so no rush to get rid of them.  That would be a mess I would have to rent a POD to put in the driveway while that all went down. 
My head is better but I feel sluggish and not at all like cooking.  I need to get some fiber in my diet, though, I think I will eat some chili beans for dinner.  The can is dented and I need to eat it first.  That will be the easiest way to accomplish dinner and fiber.  I really don't want a repeat of the other day that was horrible.  It is funny because my medication is supposed to have the opposite effect. 
I am going to go check the mail in about 20 minutes.  I am not expecting anything but you never know.  We have the AC set at a good level I am happy, so's Ron.  It is getting into the 90's most days so that is important. 
That's it for now. 

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