Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The middle of the night again

Well I am happy I tweaked some things on the computer, very happy.  So far Windows 10 has been pretty easy, I put on a password and set the time (for some reason it was wrong).  

I really abused caffeine yesterday and had a hard time dropping off, Ron kept making noise and I finally got up around midnight.  I told him off, he "clapped back" - I need to look that up.... 

Yeah, it fits.... God laid it on me NOT to get into it so I walked off, got on the computer as he bitched for a while.  And it dawned on me he is going to be that old guy in the nursing home one day, shouting all night.  I find that oddly comforting.  

I always thought he would be the one kept up.  I worked online for a while, he calmed down.  He just ate snack food for dinner "Wasn't hungry" so I offered him something to eat, he accepted, is eating now.  I am glad he can (mostly) feed himself.  I am not ashamed to say it is fun to feed an adult loved one for about 5 minutes, every meal, every day, I find it tiresome.  He can certainly do something thick like beans, a soup or a stew would be more difficult.  If I had slept last night I might do some cooking right now but the plan is to go back to bed once Ron finishes eating.  

I have six, count them, SIX traps scattered around the kitchen, behind the fridge, cupboard, and water bowl (I figure it will get thirsty) so I am pretty confident we will get this pest pretty quick.  Biscuit is sleeping with his head on my fanny pack which I find so endearing, it smells like me, is worn against my body for hours at a time, and he wants that.  Torbie is in my "other" chair I have been using on the computer so it also smells like me.  Cleo is in the condo, Spotty is running around, and Baby Girl is with Ron.  

I should also add Biscuit sleeps with me most nights, and is precious.  Even if he is not a good hunter.  Jack was cracking up as I talked about their shortcomings as hunters.  

I just hope we can boost Ron some on the strength or my life is going to get a lot more difficult.  

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