Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Why can't I just have a boring day?

Ron either got up or was up about the time I did, about 5.  I gave him some Kratom because he was complaining about his back.  He went in the kitchen and drank, went back to bed.  Slept for a while.

Woke up to use the urinal, very unsteady swaying in the bed.  He is shy when using the urinal so I simply reminded him to be careful and left.

I heard a crash.  I went to investigate.  There is some blood on him so he has a cut but not sure where, it is not a lot so not worried but he will need a bath after this.  He is sitting on the floor, drunk, rummaging through his stuff.  It appears he did not spill the urinal when he fell, I found the cap and capped it.

I'm not going to hover, he is not in any pain or any danger.  I am going to go take a nap for a while.  I need it.  I got my shower so I am presentable at least.

Edit: didn't want to leave you hanging, he cut his finger, it just bled a lot.  It could probably use a few stitches but it would be a very difficult prospect getting him to ER.  It took forever just getting him to bed.

He got himself in bed and is complaining he is going to "throw away the room".  But he is resting comfortably and says he wants to work on the accounting report in a few hours. 


Anonymous said...

He sure pushes the limits of for better or worse. How disgusting.

Heather Knits said...

About the comment I didn't post, yes, I worry about infection. He does have the use of the finger and adamantly refuses treatment so I will leave it alone.

Short of calling 911 and forcing him to go to the hospital in his underwear, and by now they can't do stitches it has been too long...

It did stop bleeding and he can use it so I have to pick my battles and say "OK, you 'don't want to play the game' you won't".

Friends said...

I would worry more about him needed a tetanus shot? Is he due? I would think the rehab center made sure his shots were up to date?

Aw Heather I am so sorry ...please focus on your back up plan, trust me you have yourself to count on in life no one else and certainly not Ron and it is sad because you have to grieve a man who is killing himself in front of you.

Many huge hugs I can not say anymore than it is ok to leave him and life can be much better “alone” you need to secure your house and bank account and stop letting him have control of anything that would be my best advice.

Anonymous said...

Did you clean up the blood

Heather Knits said...

Got the blood off his hand. Did not get blood on the rest of him, floor, sheet, urinal, trash can, etc. Not as bad as it sounds. I will talk more about this but I did clean up his hand with various antiseptics and some neosporin. It really needed some stitches but he didn't want that. Still doesn't want to see a doctor for antibiotics "You can take care of it".

We shall see. About the rest Ron is going to keep going 'till he kills himself. I promised "till death". We will see, again, how that plays out. Right now, from a selfish standpoint, he is only hurting himself and not me. Not directly at any rate.