Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tuesday morning

I feel like a trapped animal and will be getting out of here shortly. 

Ron has just been in a vile mood all day.  He fell asleep for a while.  I heard him muttering in his sleep about being cold so I 1. covered him with a heavy blanket and 2.  turned up the heater. 

That wasn't "enough" for him, he got up raging at me for "keeping so cold or the heater is broken".  Looking at the thermostat "Oh, it is OK" cranking it up to around 90 I believe.  Just toxic. 

I need a short hand for his raging at God and bitterness at being alive routine, he is doing that now. 

I plan to make a deposit today, I could use a little more in my account.  I am trying to build it back up as I save money for Spotty's neuter, my root canal, and also the chain link enclosure I believe we will need for the catio.  It makes me sad when I see the cats looking out the window, they clearly want to go out and they used to love it, but the current enclosure is not sturdy enough for Mama and her gang. 

I will not be doing expensive gifts this year. 

At some point when Ron is in a better mood, I need to talk to him about the grocery delivery and find out what he might like to eat. 

Oh, and #6 has gone back to the catholic church, taking down their evangelical church sticker and putting up a virgin mary instead.  I don't care but I do hope their "new" faith makes them behave better during their celebrations. 

It is really sad I can't let my cats out because they would be abused by "their darling children".  Someone said I use the word "brat" exclusively with children.  I don't, actually.  I use it on ill behaved and badly parented children.  But my cousins' kids, for instance, all nice kids, well behaved, good parenting.  I like them. 

Little monsters throwing rocks at my cat, chasing her, and screaming?  Not so much. 

I had better get going early.  I have to go to bed early tonight. 


Anonymous said...

How the hell can anyone have the heat on in their house to 90 degrees. You live in Texas not the antarctic. Your electric bill must be through the roof unless he gets it subsidized because of his disability. He is cold because he doesn't eat enough protein or food for that matter. Vodka can only warm you up so much, ask a Russian they will confirm this as they have very cold Siberian winters :-)

Anonymous said...

Is it cold in Houston, or is he having trouble regulating his body temperature?
He sure gets cold a lot.

Heather Knits said...

He is anemic and I would bet money his thyroid is probably shot as well. He is not a meaty guy, either. It was gorgeous today, 70's, sunny, no breeze.

Heather Knits said...

We have a gas heater which is a lot cheaper. We pay it all ourselves.

I agree, he doesn't eat, won't treat his anemia, and probably has a shot thyroid. That would also explain the hair loss and depression. I am sitting in my chair wearing very little, it is very warm still but he is asleep at least.

It's going to be real fun trying to sleep tonight.

Anonymous said...

You should not have to have the house at 90 degrees because he won't treat his anemia and won't eat and won't wear clothing. That is not fair to you at all. There needs to be a compromise in your household but it seems that things are only setup to suit him and the hell with you.

Anonymous said...

He’s never going to the doctor for any of it and you aren’t going to take him.

Heather Knits said...

If he won't go I can't take him. I don't have 4 strong men to force him to go. If he decides he isn't doing something there is very little I can do to "make" him. Something I considered as he sat there naked on the floor covered in blood last week.

Heather Knits said...

I can always turn it down when I go to bed, and not tell him.

Friend said...

Heather you can call APS and explain your situation and his refusal to go for treatment they can help