Saturday, November 30, 2019


Going to bed early.


Anonymous said...

Truly, you have painted yourself into this corner of exhaustion. When you get tired of it, you will quit enabling Ron. You are keeping him dependent upon you...therefore you are enabling him to live as he does. You alone are responsible for the situation you are in. When you hit bottom, you will quit covering up for him.

Anonymous said...

Heather, you should use Uber instead of cabs. It's way cheaper. The rides are also nicer and cleaner. I am a frequent reader and an Uber driver. We have background checks, routine re-checks, etc. etc. It is safe. Plus, we are rated by you--the customer--so our cars are far cleaner than cabs. A 20$ ride in a cab would be like a 12$ Uber.

Heather Knits said...

Can I use a prepaid debit and just load before I ride? I am not wanting my bank account to be on my cell phone because I do go to grim areas and could get robbed. No big deal if they get the cat photos... but I don't want someone taking a Uber to Austin on my dime. :P

Heather Knits said...

I am tired because I worked my ass off. That is pretty typical for anyone working retail during the holidays, ESPECIALLY self employed. I get a lot of time off the rest of the year but I have to earn it now!

I do admit I keep him dependent on me to some extent - but if he could do more he would. He did what he could yesterday and was beneficial.

Anonymous said...

You don't work retail you work a vending machine business. Plus if you went into work more than one or two times a week you would not feel as overworked or overburdened. And his breaking up boxes is really not doing anything. He is the reason you had to work so much yesterday because he was too tired to go into work the day before. Funny you work tired, with a migraine, etc but poor ron loses sleep one night and just can't function. The poor dear.

Anonymous said...

Their taxi rides would not be so expensive but she tips 4 - 5 times the amount of the trip every time.

Anonymous said...

I remember when you used to go into work at 3 or 4 in the morning every single day. And now you don't do that anymore either.

Anonymous said...

I believe you could, but if not you won’t get charged. If you lose your phone you can call Uber and they will put a hold on your account and refund any rides that were taken.

Heather Knits said...

Vending machines are retail, VERY hands on with the customers and better be GOOD at it or booted out of the building!

Ron got run over by a truck with massive brain damage in a coma for 3 weeks. If he can't work, he can't work. I'm just happy he can toilet.

I only save the massive tip for when Biscuit is sick. That time he got $35 over the meter, when Cleo pooped in her carrier I also gave an extra $20 because **he did not have to transport us but did anyway, even with nasty poop smell** Not apologizing for that.

I still DO go into work early I write about it when I do my Dr Pepper delivery. Still doing that, otherwise no soda to sell! Yesterday was remarkable because cat woke us up early, plus shopping at the warehouse, transporting and unloading, then a full shift stocking. I think anyone would be tired after that! I never went in at 4 every single day, at worst it was 2x a week. I get up at 4 most days I work, though.

Thank you @ the Uber I will look into that.

Anonymous said...

Look up Jason Dalton

Heather Knits said...

I had a Yellow Cab driver about threw me out of the cab when he found out I had cats, said they transmitted tuberculosis and swore I had it because I let them sleep with me... that was pretty frightening. Then he somberly told me we could never date as a result.


That was a pretty alarming cab ride, let me tell you. And he dropped me off at HOME. [shudder]

So it isn't just one company vs another. Some drivers are just whack. Which is why I tend to just call Arturo and Alex - they are both happily married, NORMAL guys who like cats and are fine with having one (in a kennel) in the cab.

Anonymous said...

Uber driver here—what does that have to do with drivers being safe? Cops and teachers and priests and any job has had people fall through the cracks and do bad things. There are hundreds of thousands and one did this.

That guy sucks but it isn’t all drivers.

Get out of here with trolling.

Heather Knits said...

I agree, I had a jerk bus driver today I will talk more about in my next post.

People who do not rely on public transit don't get it. I don't get to choose, generally, who I get.