Wednesday, November 27, 2019

I thought it was funny

I wasn't dressed when I was working on Ron's hand.  He keeps it warm in here so I don't need clothes, and I cover all the windows. 

I had applied a little patchouli/lavender perfume a few hours back, to my collar bone.  Not much just a little dab. 

So I'm working on Ron's hand, I cut off the bandage, clean it with peroxide (you can say a lot about my picture but that is not infected), etc.  I was using gauze for it which meant I had wrappers for the gauze, the gauze itself, etc. 

Cut off old bandage, put in "trash can" (plastic cup)
Unwrap gauze, put wrapper in "can". 
Moisten with peroxide and apply to wound. 
Discard peroxide gauze. 
Open new gauze. 
Throw away wrapper
Dab wound dry. 
Dispose of gauze. 
Apply Neosporin. 
Unwrap bandage. 
Toss wrapper. 
Apply bandage and done. 
If we are going to work, I put a strip of first aid tape on the outside of the bandage. 

Now I had a cup full of debris to be thrown away.  I leaned over Ron and brushed against his head, which he shoved into my cleavage making cackling sounds. 

He then screeched and began wiping at his nose, which had gotten the perfume oil. 

[snort]  I don't think he'll do that again. 


Anonymous said...

I could have gone a lifetime without the image of that nasty old piss man sexually harassing you. Please issue a warning nect time.

Heather Knits said...

He didn't get very far!

And how often to I talk about that? But I will.

I notice no one yelled about the finger photo.