Friday, November 22, 2019

Hyper Nip

Well, I took some Gold Bali Kratom, that helped some.  I was at least able to get some sleep.

I got up pretty early (even when I've been up all night with a migraine).  I felt moderately crappy but fairly functional.  I fed the cats and cleaned the litterboxes, took a shower.

I felt a little better, enough to run my errand.  I had to go to the bank and turn $1 bills into $20's so we could spend them on inventory tomorrow.  I decided to take the bus.

So I did that.  The bus arrived about one minute after I got to the stop, that was ideal.  It let me off pretty much in front of the bank.  I went in, did my transaction.  I left and walked over to a fast food place.  I got a breakfast sandwich even though it was a little late, they still had it on the menu though.

I walked to the return bus stop - I am pretty confident in this area even though it is pretty grim (I had my stun gun) - called my aunt for a while (she is battling a fever).  I didn't mention the bank and certainly did not mention the cash.

I got off, it was raining.  I had my umbrella, though.  I walked home.   It wasn't bad and I felt pretty good.

I got home to find Ron's face covered in blood "Oh, sorry, scratching at my psoriasis".  He looked GHASTLY, blood all over his hand and face.

Everything I have read says the liver is linked to the skin.  Now, let's think about the status of his liver for a moment.  No, not that bad.  Probably worse.  So no surprise to me his skin is so angry.  I cleaned him up with some wet wipes.

He reminded me about the antibiotic, which I gave him.  I gave him back his wallet.  For whatever reason, the bank wants to "run" the transaction on their computer vs just exchanging the bills.  They are $1 bills, not counterfeit or anything but they still track the money on the business.  So I needed the business debit card to process it.  He told me to keep the money as I will be paying tomorrow anyway, it made sense.

I felt OK and decided to take a nap as I didn't get any sleep.  I try to repay any sleep debt as soon as possible.  If I get sleep deprived I cycle and I don't want that.

By cycle I mean swing into a very intense mood of some sort.

I fell asleep OK but woke up with a very nasty, renewed, headache.  Getting SICK of this.  The Excedrin worked pretty well this time.

I got on the computer for a little bit.  The doorbell rang, the Chewy.  Remember I just bought it yesterday.  And there it is, a big box on the porch.  I decided to open it on the porch and put the box in the recycle, then bring my 2 items in the house.  One item was a canister of "Hyper nip" sliver vine mixed with cat nip.  My cats are very responsive to that mixture, the old ones in particular.

I stuck that in the pocket of my robe and picked up the 22 pound sack of cat food.  By my calculations, when I am done transitioning them it should last the 5 about a month.  But I am taking my time on the transition, I still have some of the old food, want to use it up, and I think Mama and company do better with gradual dietary changes.

My head was OK by that point and I could pick it up.  I came in the house and put the food away, then took out the canister.  Biscuit looked at me eagerly.  It took some doing to get the canister open.  I did.  Then I sprinkled some on the floor and the 2 cat condos near my kitchen table.  Biscuit went crazy, rolling around, attacking me (gently), huge pupils.  Torbie also rolled around on the floor.  Baby Girl doesn't seem to react to it.

I am going to take some to a nice lady at work.  She has a house cat (not the one with all the outside, dying, ferals) she obviously adores.  I will give her some of the happy nip, I have plenty.  But I will bring the canister because we have a police force and, to the ignorant, the catnip might look like "meow"ijuana.  "Here is some green herb in a little baggie for you..." get us BOTH booted out.  No thanks!

Ron made the trips for tomorrow so that's done.

My pants were very baggy today so I will retire them.  I like my pants a little loose but not falling off my butt.  I think the root canal really limited my snacking and that, combined with the intermittent fasting, has helped me lose a little weight.

Which is good, I would like to be down to my ideal of 170-180 by the time I hit menopause.  I hear it is really hard to lose weight once you hit that.  I will put a protein shake in the fridge for dinner tonight.  Although I did get some good protein for breakfast in the egg and sausage sandwich.

Ron has been pretty quiet today.  His back must be better, he hasn't been vocalizing and seems occupied in his room.  Good.  I'm not up for much.

I am glad I got the Hyper Nip.


Anonymous said...

So he is not capable of washing his hands? Wet wipes are not a substitute for soap and water.

Heather Knits said...

He has that big laceration on his ring finger, I don't want to get it wet.