Sunday, November 3, 2019

"I am not infinite"

We got up, had a very difficult time because our ride was late.  Then had a driver from Africa playing a muslim sermon in his language, I could hear the Arabic in there.  He was a terrible driver, as well, couldn't stay in his lane and veering all over the freeway.  I couldn't wait to exit! 

We got to the Sam's, it was HELL.  Not only was it super busy and no customer spoke English, they had redone the store so NOTHING was where it was supposed to be.  Very frustrating as I was on a time crunch because the driver had been an hour late picking us up. 

I got out of there OK with Ron, James got us this time instead of the other guy, who is doing a fun gambling trip out of town.  James is a very nice, easygoing guy and a hard worker.  We managed to stuff everything (I had a lot of drinks) in there and off we went to work. 

Unloading: not a problem.  James left.  Ron wanted to sort change and locked himself in the stockroom.  He got very panicked and freaking out over something or other.  Worth it?  No. 

But he was screaming at me and verbally abusing me.  I did my tasks alone while he did whatever in the stockroom.  He came out and was trying to justify his treatment of me. 

I told him "That is not cool.  You don't get to dump on me because you got stressed, panicked, and had a meltdown.  I am not infinite.  I will not stick around for that, forever.  If you can't stop then we need to think about splitting." 

He was really freaked after that.  He said it hadn't been his "intent" to hurt me.  I said it didn't matter, he still did it and I could not take abuse forever. 

He went off for a while after that.  He had asked to put the ride on hold so I called for him.  The first clerk was very nasty and said no.  I talked to Ron and he said cancel it I will have to take a cab.  So I called back and explained I would have to cancel the ride if we couldn't put it on hold.  This clerk was very nice and said of course we could put it on hold. 

I did most of my work, helped Ron with his, did some accounting stuff, dealt with customers, put up ALL the stuff we bought - including many cases of bottled drinks in the fridge so we will both be very busy tomorrow stocking them all. 

Ron finished up (still subdued) and we went home.  He apologized again when we got home and I reminded him I can't take "it" forever.  He started drinking. 

Then he asked me to find his remote (he lost it, again), I did that.  I sorted out his money in my pocket and gave that to him. 

I did use the changer money to make change for myself, I got some $10's and $5's for a couple of $20's.  Ron let me keep the ones (not many) so I have tip money and cab fare. 

My pants have been falling off all day so I went over to my stack of "ought to fit" jeans and found 4 pair that fit much better.  It was getting embarrassing.  So I have "new" jeans, didn't have to spend a penny, didn't have to go anywhere, all ready to go.  I don't even need to wash them. 

Although why I have so many black clothes with 4 white cats is beyond me.  I will wash the old pants and hang them up in the "too big" section of my closet. 

My nose has been running the last couple days but not like it would with an allergy or cold.  I suspect I had a sinus infection which cleared up with the antibiotics, which I am still taking.  When I finish them up I will be taking the probiotics I bought.  I would love to get some into Ron but I have to figure the vodka would just kill them and better to save my money. 

My tooth has been fine today and I have not needed any pain medicine.  That is great and I can always save my leftover for later.  It is not narcotic so I don't have to worry about it. 

The cats are good.  Mama cat is sleeping at the foot of my bed, Spotty to lover left, Torbie upper left.  I haven't seen Biscuit in a few days (in my bed).  He has been hanging out more in other spots, but he does come wake me up when my alarm goes off. 

My pill taking today was just insane so I will have to set an alarm for the middle of the night on my next dose.  I will do it because I do not want an infection.  But it will confuse the cats in the middle of the night when the alarm goes off.  But I only have 6 more days of this. 

Happily my cycle is about wrapped up and I will be glad to be done with that.  It was late, happily, so I  DID NOT have to deal with it while traveling - that would have just been a big hassle.  We have had to, before.  I do have some supplies in my travel bag but I can take most of the stuff out of my fanny pack. 

I need to get out and do something fun but not sure what, or when.  Maybe Tuesday after the dentist but I also need to vote.  Looks like my usual polling place is open, Arturo can drop me there after the dentist and I can walk home when I'm done. 

I will see what I feel up to. 

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