Wednesday, November 6, 2019

I thought we were done with the leg, already

Apparently not.  I removed his bandage in the kitchen tonight, which has much better light.  Good news, very little discharge and it is healing. 

Bad news, he had an allergic reaction to the bandage (the area of irritation is bandage shaped) and very raw looking.  So I will be leaving it open and just using Betadine on it. 

So he probably has a latex allergy.  I have him on vitamin C and antihistamines but I feel terrible.  He says I shouldn't. 

I will just be so glad when this is healed up. 


Anonymous said...

The discharge is a concern after all this time. He really needs to see a doctor. Yes the latex can cause a rash.

Anonymous said...

That’s happened to me with band aids and I don’t have a latex allergy.

Anonymous said...

Things are really going badly. I’m sorry. Praying for you.

It’s time to really consider a home. With the memory, alcohol, injuries, etc. this isn’t fair for you or for him.

Heather Knits said...

That was the whole point, we were seeing maybe 1/4 to 1/2 t discharge a day on the bandage. Finally stopped. Now angry allergy reaction.

I am just going to leave it open until it heals up, even though "everything" told me to cover it. I don't believe it is a reaction to the neosporin but I am going to stop that too.

Years ago when Ron gave himself leg ulcers I had them open to the air, healed OK considering. I put Neosporin on some but his cat likes to lie in his lap when he is in bed, and poor Baby Girl was getting ointment on her fur. Something like the iodine won't transfer once dry so seems better.

Ron would heal a lot faster, and has, if he would EAT ENOUGH PROTEIN. If you don't have building supplies you cannot do construction or repair. Protein tastes good... I don't see what the problem is but he apparently has one.

Anonymous said...

Please take him back to the doctor for his wound

Anonymous said...

First of all the neosporin says if the condition doesn't improve in 7 days to see a doctor. It has been longer than 7 days. Secondly you continued with the peroxide after being informed not to use it. Thirdly you were also advised to just use petroleum jelly to keep the area moist and cover. Also is the area really small enough that only a band aid is needed for coverage? Sterile pads should have been used and then covered with that rolled gauze and taped on either side to keep it in place. Protein has nothing to do with this not healing quickly. The issue is his lack of movement and activity level and his drinking both of which suppress the immune system and stunt healing.

Burns are nothing to mess around with and the chance of infection is very high. Not to mention staph and MRSA because of the open skin like that. If the wound is still weeping and not healing then leaving it exposed in the environment he is in is dangerous. His bedding is rarely washed and he does not take regular baths. When I had a second degree burn on my arm I was terrified of getting an infection. I had to dress the wound every day and do the things above and took about 2 - 3 weeks to heal but it did not have discharge after the first week on the bandages.

Heather Knits said...

He is in a really bad mood right now, I will ask him if he wants to go, later.

Heather Knits said...

The worst part of it is covered by a 2 inch square. The bandages I was using, worked great for coverage (until the reaction) were about 1.5 by 4 inches and a lot of that was adhesive, covered the bad part OK. The first degree part healed fine but the second is proving stubborn.

Like I said I can't really talk to Ron right now, he is very sullen and moody, but when he is in a better mood I will ask if he would like to "get it checked out".

I will go ask him if he wants his vitamins.

Anonymous said...

Stop using Betadine on the burn. It is NOT for 2nd degree burns. You are doing more damage at this point.

Anonymous said...

Ask him if he wants to lose his entire leg to this. This is nothing to mess around with. I would override what he wants and take him to urgent care once and for all. This affects YOU AS THE CAREGIVER also for having to deal with it. You need to put your foot down. He is not of sound mind. prayers for you. Please do it!

Heather Knits said...

Let me get this straight... don't use betadine... don't use peroxide...what am I supposed to use? Ron is a big fan of 90% rubbing alcohol but I don't think that's on the menu.

He is allergic to sulfa drugs so Silvadene is out. He is allergic to the bandages which keep out the dirt... I will have to order some non stick gauze and allergen free tape... but I am honestly baffled what you want me to put on the wound before I cover it?

And Betadine is indicated for burns...
"Based on the available evidence from clinical trials, iodine is an effective antiseptic agent that shows neither the purported harmful effects nor a delay of the wound-healing process, particularly in chronic and burn wounds." source:

Back in my herbalist days I used to make my own salve with dragon's blood, beeswax, herb infused oils - worked wonders for the road rash on Ron's left hand. But I used all that up a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Are you afraid of Ron? I just don't understand your responses here.

I understand that you can't make him go to the doctor, but you were there with him and didn't mention it to the doctor.

Heather, he has poor circulation in his legs, a wound that is getting worse, memory and judgement issues that are getting worse, poor hygiene, etc. He really needs to be seen by a doctor (probably several). If he is not allowing you to be his caregiver, it is time to turn his care over to others. I'm sorry this is happening to you and to Ron.

Anonymous said...

You are not supposed to cover a wound when you use betadine. And it is for minor burns not second degree burns.Plus it is only supposed to be used for a week and if the wound is not getting better a doctor should be consulted. All you should be using is a thin layer of petroleum jelly. This keeps the area moist so it can heal and grow new skin. The peroxide is inflaming it. However, since the wound is not healing he should be seen by a doctor ASAP. The doctor will tell you what to do and how to treat it. It should not be still leaking discharge. That is not healing.

Anonymous said...

I guarantee Ron is not allergic to the bandages. His skin is just irritated by the bandage being on too long. He needs to be seen by the doctor. You don’t have the medical background to treat this as it has escalated past the point of something treatable at home.

Heather Knits said...

I specifically read it was OK for second degree burns (Betadine). Someone told me to cover, you are saying not to cover, very confusing.

The last time Ron went to a doctor he went in with friction burns that went down to fat layer - doctor said to use peroxide and neosporin, what ended up working best for him at that time was to use peroxide only and let the scab dry out, as the moist scab nearly always got infected.

Overall the leg is doing pretty well, there is a clear area of healed skin all around the middle of the wound.. so it's healing. If it were turning bad colors, swelling, and a lot of discharge of course I would freak. Right now TBH I am more worried about the dermatitis from the bandage.

Anonymous said...

If it’s confusing, go to a doctor.

At this stage you need to NOW.

Ron can’t decide anymore in his mental state.

Anonymous said...

Heather you haven’t been sleeping lately, you’ve been under stress, and this isn’t something you can handle.

Get to the doctor now.

This is bad, very very bad. Ron’s drinking and brain state are so bad atm that he can’t decide for himself anymore. It’s like a child or someone with dementia (which he may have)—you are his caregiver, you make the calls.

Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

First you say it's still bad then you say its healing. Which is it? A healing wound would not look so heinous you wouldn't want to post a picture. Just make a doctor appt and get it checked out.

Friend Heather knows my name said...

Heather has told folks that if you throw information at her she has trouble processing it . It is happening here in the comments she is being confused by the advice being tossed at her I bet . Am I wrong Heather?

Get your sleep I am catching up but this comment section is the pits and now I am worried about you too do these people know you or are they random strangers yelling advice ?

If the wound was covered by a bandage it will get goopy and gross and sometimes inflamed ..while moist wounds heal faster it sometimes is better to find a dry wet balance .

No matter what he is allergic or not allergic to he is obviously sensitive to the bandaid tape and hopefully as I catch up you are ok and have slept goodness I understand why you get confused and overwhelmed it is like no one understands mental illness and just wants to order you into doing what they say?

Not everyone processes crap the same way slow down unless you know her and if you do know Heather personally give her a call or take her out to lunch for crying out loud do not post anonymously bossing her around . Pay for Spotty to get neutered those are things she needs to put her mind at peace not people attacking her from an anonymous position

Heather Knits said...

Posters are always welcome to come clean his wound, that is if he will let you!

I suspect I know a few people in person but not many or they would likely be coming up to me in person. I did cut off my sister about 6 years ago so she had the blog address and I suspect she comments anonymously.

I hope I do sleep well tonight, I haven't slept well since I broke my tooth and sleep is really important. Ron seems to be doing a lot of "shout in his sleep" stuff today. But odds are very good I will go to bed very early tonight.