Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thursday afternoon

My aunt has a theory that seems to prove true: when the cold front comes so does the headache.  I had to take 2 doses of headache pills, some at 6 and some just now.  And the front arrived with the rain so hopefully done for a few days. 

Ron has been sleeping peacefully.  When he gets up and I get him fed, cleaned, etc. I will look at his leg and clean it. 

The cats are good.  I laid down a little bit but didn't really nap, the headache was pretty ugly.  The tooth seems to be fine, though.   Dental assistant said not to chew on it, so I won't.  New tooth comes in a couple of weeks.  I only have a couple days left on the antibiotics.  Hopefully I will not have to baby the tooth once I get the permanent crown. 

But I will take what I get.  I couldn't find Spotty for a while but he showed up after my nap, meowing.  They are all just so damned cute!  All of them!  Mama cat has this thing where she gets up on the back of the couch next to me and watches TV with me.  She also got into bed with me for a little bit but that is really Torbie and Biscuit territory. 

Biscuit got in my shower with me for a while and then waited outside on my tub mat, I gave him a can of his food with some probiotics on it.  He ate some so I was happy.  Spotty is improving on the probiotics and that is all the detail you get.  I will definitely be buying more when I run low. 

I decided I will do my budgeting as follows: pay is $600 every 2 weeks.  I can take $100 each for the credit card and Spot's neuter and be ready to go on the neuter in a few months.  When I get a cat fixed I like to do the whole package while they are out, shots, microchip, neuter.  Then it's all done.  I worry about Spot getting sick, or escaping.  I want that fixed, if you will forgive my pun. 

That means the tooth will be paid off in April, if my math is correct.  I also need to get more carriers because I would be utterly screwed if I had to evacuate, leave right now.  I only have 3 carriers.  So I guess I am picking my 3 favorite cats?!  I don't think so.  The Chewy carrier has been a good one, I like the pee channel because Cleo peed in it once and the channel held it all until we got home. 

I also plan to aggressively invest in savings because things are not going well and I have to look at that.  Ron is just on a highway to hell and no one can stop him.  It is horrible to watch. 

And when he dies kick my butt if I even look at a man for a couple of years after, I will need to get my head straight.  I was very alarmed on one message board when I was talking about Ron (not by name) and two guys messaged me basically saying "You are soooo cool for sticking around, I wish I had a woman like you".  I wonder what kind of bad behavior they are up to?  I don't want to know. 

I am utterly done with: narcissists, head games, addicts.  DONE with all of it.  I don't care if he looks like a frog as long as he is kind, gentle, treats me and the cats well... but that may never even come about.  Hell, I could die first, I certainly have a family history of heart disease. 

Cleo is coming when called, now, and allowing more and more petting/handling.  That is really important.  She doesn't have to get in my lap or even sleep with me but I need to know I can get her in her carrier or give her a flea treatment. 

Torbie is probably the worst - which is funny as she is super cuddly but get out a pill or a vial of topical and she runs, fights, in the case of a pill will try to rip my face off my body.  I don't know what sort of flea topical I will use for her now that she's allergic to Bravecto.  She is old, they aren't going out anymore, I might just skip it for her. 

I will have to talk to the vet about it. 

I got my delivery, Ron woke up, Spotty was coughing with a hairball.  I gave him some plain vaseline as I am out of Laxatone.  He stopped hacking.  Ron "is cold" so he doesn't want me to check his leg.  I still need to figure out what I am doing tomorrow. 


Anonymous said...

I had a nasty headache yesterday and now it's cold in Michigan and starting to snow, so your aunt is right.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute you said you were being paid $800 a month a while back when asked. Now in this post you are saying you are being paid $600 every 2 weeks. That is $1200 a month. I think you are making things up in your blog and I don't know if it is on purpose or because you have a mental illness. This means if Ron gets at least double what you are being paid that my statements made months ago about your monthly income were pretty much on the money and you have a combined income of at least $3000 a month. It also means that Ron is wasting a lot of money. A lot of money on his drinking and over tipping.

Anonymous said...

"And when he dies kick my butt if I even look at a man for a couple of years after"

We could all offer you advice against it but you know you would do what you want since you have been doing so for many, many years with people giving you sound advice. So chances are once Ron kicks the bucket you will be with another loser in short order and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. The fact that you are already entertaining having another man in your life is just proof that it is inevitable.

Heather Knits said...

It's up to $6, twice a month. He makes about the same, less, or more depending. LIke I said in another post he gets what is left after expenses and that does vary.

I am just worried I will be stupid and make a bad choice out of being lonely when Ron kills himself. That's what I meant.

Michigan! Brrr! I grew up in VA and I got sick of the ice dance in the winter. And I was a healthy young kid, but I still hated slipping on the ice.