Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday Noon

He woke up after a while, wanted to do the report, which is due today.  So we did it, he could use his hand just fine.  It looked like he had dipped his hand in blood with a scab at his wedding ring line

After we finished (that took a while) I had a look at it.  First, I got some shop towels wet with some warm plain water and cleaned of the blood everywhere except the wound.  It looks a lot better now.  Then I got my various cleansers and disinfected it, then put a big clump of neosporin in the scab area.  I washed my hands after that and then treated the burn scar with some Betadine.  It is about healed though.  I hope the hand does not take that long to heal. 

A couple of things were apparent: Ron could not stock with his hand like that, and he was exhausted.  He also lost about a half cup of blood, at least.  His back was killing him (arthritis, the fall, and pressure changes). 

He wanted to cancel our soda delivery, I told him give me the money (I have my own but am not spending it on work) you took from work the other day.  I will take a cab into work tomorrow, stock, and get the delivery.  He thought that was great and asked me to cover him with a blanket.  So I did. 

I called Alex, who is more inclined to early morning pickups, and arranged a ride for tomorrow.  That's done.  So the business is covered. 

Ron is as comfortable as I can make him.  He knows I will take him to the doctor the second he wants.  I would have taken him today but he was not willing and I didn't want the paramedics wrestling him onto a gurney. 

Tomorrow I can work without a deadline to go home.  I can just stock it all, for as long as I want.  That will be very nice.  I don't think there are many vendors in the program without a personal driver.  But I will make it work. 

I won't have to tend Ron and the machines at the same time, either.  There is no requirement for Ron to attend work, as long as the machines are filled.  And I will fill them! 

The cats are great.  They can tell the weather is horrible outside and have been quite happy on my heated mattress pad.  Cleo has been getting into my bed, more and more, lately.  I think that is awesome.  Everyone likes the dry food mixed with Iams.  So I mixed up more, and then another bag with more Iams. 

Bag 1: 1/3 Iams
Bag 2: 1/2 Iams

You get the idea.  Until it is 100% Iams.  I should be able to make a 20 pound bag of Iams last a month, according to my calculations, and that isn't factoring the wet food which I also feed daily.  And they like it. 

Ron: Guide dogs feeds that.  That is saying something because it costs some $50K to train a guide dog.  Ron has never wanted a service dog, "They die too soon" which is a good point.  If you are already prone to depression a service animal that dies in a decade...

Cats can be good up to 20 years, Torbie is fabulous at 15 and quite happy.  Ron and I are convinced she is going to live forever. 

Biscuit is doing well, he got a bite of the Iams when I was bagging it up but it's chicken and has less struvite than a fish based cat food so I didn't freak.  Spotty was enjoying a scratcher, Cleo was sleeping with her mother, and Baby Girl is hanging out with Ron. 

He probably got blood on her too, petting her. 


Anonymous said...

A half a cup of blood lost and you still refuse to take him for stitches. It doesn't matter what he wants it should have been done. I am considering calling adult protective services on both of you. What exactly did he cut himself on to cause such a wound. And you said in one post that Ron had to be at work or you would lose the vending business. As you said the boss said he doesn't have to work he just has to be there.

Anonymous said...

And yes adult protective services can be a resource for you also and provide documentation that you are not being neglectful of him. You probably shouldn't post about his injuries and not seeking medical help. Isn't he on blood thinners? Maybe that is why his hand bled so much.

Heather Knits said...

I lose double that during my period.

Ron has to RUN the business, it cannot be transferred, but I assure you I haven't seen the other vendor for months at a time and no issue. As long as the machines are stocked they don't care. I was told, by a previous consultant of Ron's that even if he couldn't stock "I could prop him up in the corner" as long as the machines were stocked and the reports filed.

And it is one day. He very rarely takes a day like this.

I have no idea how he cut himself. I am just glad he was not wearing his wedding ring.

Ron is able to make his own decisions, and if he chooses to keep injuring himself in small ways while drunk there is very little anyone can do. Ron has to decide he wants to stop drinking, on his own. The bills are paid, everyone's fed and watered, litter boxes are clean, cats are healthy.

Heather Knits said...

No, he is not on blood thinners but "they" want him to be. Glad he did not listen to medical advice, there. It is not uncommon for any adult to have a mishap and choose to treat it at home. His leg is healing fine, I am sure his hand will, too.

He didn't bleed that much (half cup is not much when you look at it), but it did bleed all over everything he handled, which was a lot of things down on the floor as he tried to orient himself and then organize his room. His hand was the worst of it and I got that cleaned up, but a couple days off work will help him heal up to the point he can stock again with a bandage in place (hopefully will not have an allergic reaction again).

I did something stupid with a pair of scissors and my finger some time back, that hurt and bled like hell. But I was OK. No one freaked out about that and I did post about it. I was sober, Ron was not, the only difference.

I'm still amazed he went down with an open urinal in his hand and did not spill it.

Anonymous said...

He is NOT able to make his own decisions. And doesn’t seem like you are able to much either.

You are either grossly overestimating the half cup or you really should be taking him for having lost that much from a hand cut. This is completely out of control. Clean up the biohazard in his room

Heather Knits said...

According to what I read bleeding is not considered urgent if it stops in 10 minutes or so. I bled quite a bit when I fell off my bike, age 10. I split the bottom of my chin open.
Blood all over my clothes, my shoes even, I looked like an escapee from one of Dad's horror movies. They were not at all worried about it as it did stop bleeding on it's own, and that was a lot more than a half cup!

I have to work tomorrow so I can keep the internet up, cell phone, electricity, pay my bills so I can post here. When I get home I will examine his hand and work on cleaning up his room.

Right now I'm calling it a win that I got him to eat some dinner.