Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sunday morning

Ron is just having a bad day for back pain today.  We are up to 3 grams of Kratom.  He is lying in bed with Baby Girl eating potato sticks and listening to cartoons. 

One of the cats (I didn't see it) brought him a catnip mouse, I thought that was adorable "Get well soon!".  I got up around 9:30 and helped Ron, then got some Simple Green cleaning wipes and cleaned the front of the fridge. 

White appliances are just a bad idea.  It has been a fantastic fridge, no complaints, but it shows every little finger mark.  It took me forever to find something that worked to remove them.  I got most of the grime off the fridge door, ran out of energy, checked on Ron.  He is at least in a good mood and has stopped yelling after the last dose.  Not sure about getting the bath today, though. 

I did tell Ron I think a shelf would become a cat shelf.  Watching him with Baby Girl I said it is interesting, if one of the other cats dies I will go myself to put them down, I don't care what they do with the body, throw it in a ditch... but Baby Girl I will need to take him and he will want the whole package, the fancy urn, the paw print, etc.  He agreed. 

We won't let Baby Girl suffer when it's time.  She is a good cat and won't suffer.  She is about 7-8 so plenty of life yet.  I need to brush her, she is still making dreadlocks.  It is really odd, she is a short hair cat but just started making dreadlocks the last couple years.  She utterly adores Ron and her favorite thing ever is to lie with him in bed.  She's a good cat. 

Not bonded to me at all but she appreciates what I do, that's enough.  I have "my" other cats.  Torbie loves to sleep in her house next to my pillow (the soft padded igloo), Biscuit is very cuddly in bed, Mama loves to sleep next to me when I'm on the computer, etc.  I feel loved. 

I do worry about Ron dying first, that would be a horrendous blow for Baby Girl.  I think I am going to go brush her. 

Ron did say his back was feeling better.  Actually the pain comes from his back but today he is feeling it in his foot.  Like the foot is being crushed, even though it is fine.  The nerves are tight in the spinal column and sometimes they get angry. 

I'm going to go brush BG.  That went really well, unlike some other cats I've brushed she likes it, purred, and moved around so I could get both sides, then lay back down by Ron's foot.  I think I will just add that to my chore roster and do that every day.  I don't know if Ron is brushing her, he said he did sometimes, but she is a nice little cat and I don't mind.  I would rather brush her than cut out mats. 

I told Ron (who did say he was feeling better) I would like to give him a bath today.  And change his bed but I didn't say that.  He didn't say no outright so I find that promising. 

If I go in there all dictatorial and demand it he will balk and refuse.  If I go in there and suggest it might be a good idea he is generally pretty easy going about it. 

He took his prescription, he took his kratom, and I applied his magnets.  The magnets definitely help and are totally harmless so I'm always happy to apply them.  And the tape tears easily, sticks forever, no problems.  I will have to take them all off for his bath, though. 

But it's early days yet so we will see. 

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