Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving morning

Well, the revelries kept us both up pretty late, but Ron was unable to sleep after they all went home.  So he stayed up all night... and he's awake.  And he's not.

Anyway, the party flipped Ron into insomnia and he didn't sleep all night.  He was pretty upset by it.  I was just glad the cats were locked up and couldn't be abused.  He did not sleep until about 8 AM today.

I woke up around 6 but stayed in bed for a couple of hours in a vain attempt to regain my sleep.  I got up, fed the cats.  I got on the computer for a while and then took a shower.

That took a while.  I worry I will smell funny because I used the myrrh soap with my green apple shampoo and conditioner.  Ew.  But it's done and I just didn't think about it in the shower, my hair was greasy enough to need the shampoo and I am working on this bar of soap.

I have half a dozen half empty bottles of shampoo and conditioner in the tub, that's how I do it, I'm just not faithful to one bath product.  One day it is green apple, the next rose, the day after Keratin.  I am happy that way BUT I do not do that with soap because it is a hassle.  So I am using the myrrh soap for now.  I did mention I always like a nice bar of soap for Christmas so hopefully I will get something fun in a month.

It started when I was a teen, I started getting acne around age 11 and that is when Santa started bringing me a bar of acne soap every year in my stocking.  Interestingly enough, the timeline indicates the antidepressant and the acne ran together and the acne really improved when they took me off it.

That was an SSRI.  I take an SNRI now.  And I should probably go do that.  I did that and checked Ron's room; much better, and he is sleeping with Baby Girl.

I think I can actually get the carpet presentable again.  I have hopes.  Today I'm busy, and he's asleep anyway; tomorrow and Saturday we have to work.

Sunday I will go to Walmart and get ny antipsychotic.  That will probably take a chunk out of the day.  But I'll get to it.

My aunt just confirmed I am going over there today.  10 cousins apparently.  Ron could have told them the story of the time he ran into a drug sniffing police dog after his marijuana purchase, years ago.  It is a very funny story.

"That's a DOPE sniffing dog, you don't have any dope, do you, son?"
"NOSIRR I do not!"

Biscuit has just been COMPLETELY AWESOME.  I have to ask long term readers, did I talk as much about Biscuit a year ago?  I am truly curious because it seems his illness, and my willingness to treat it, have created an unshakable bond between us.  He sleeps with me, waits in the bathroom during my shower, lays by my chair when I'm on the computer; just utterly devoted and just the sweetest boy ever.  He even gets in my lap when I'm watching TV.

He is worth all of the worry and stress, every penny and five times what I've spent on him, for that.  I am really happy he is only 5 as I should have many good years with him yet.  This is a really good link on the subject: he has the stones. and had a blockage.  And he is eating his dry like a good boy.

I saved a can of wet prescription formula for him for today.  He can have that with his dry.

I left the door to the garage open the last couple days, Mama and the kittens like to hang out there.  The weather has been pretty mild so I feel OK with that.  Baby Girl is (as usual) glued to Ron in the bed.  Those two are the original love story.

I really didn't want her when we found her, but Ron was smitten.  Bubba was OK with her so I said she could stay.  I admit I was a little grabby with her when I got manic (not well managed, back then) so that sort of sealed it for her; she was Ron's cat.  She is utterly devoted to him.

She cried all over the house looking for him the times he was in the hospital, I had to bring back his dirty clothes for her to scent and realize he was OK and coming back.  Then she gave him the silent treatment when he did come back, it was pretty funny to watch her walking away from his extended hand and pleading.  They have a whole relationship.

Ron woke up and wanted chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce.  OK, you want chicken nuggets you get them.  I do need to buy more nuggets, and, as I told Ron, I will not be getting the ones with vegetables.  For one, the vegetables are garbanzo beans and cauliflower, not what I would consider high value foods.  Well, that's the main reason.  Those are just not high value foods.

So he can trust that the nugget is 100% pink slime?  They call it?  I won't tell him that.  It is easy enough to prepare some nuggets in the microwave.  The BBQ sauce has tomatoes in it so not a total nutritional waste.

I need to do some cleaning, litter boxes and such.  Spotty's urine is pretty pungent with him being an intact (almost adult) male so I need to get rid of that.

I was watching Biscuit in the litter box and he had plenty of room to turn around, the 24" box is the way to go, for my guys.  Yes, they take up more room but they live here too.  I would rather trip over a box in every room than have the cats uncomfortable, and that is all I'll say.

I had better go, those 7 boxes will not clean themselves.

Edit: took out all trash and recycles, cleaned boxes & took out, sprayed "festive pine" air freshener. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Heather. I hope you have a nice time at your aunt's house.