Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday night

I've been meaning to ask this for a while, do you have a designated chore day or do you do it as you go during the week?  I would be very curious to get your answers. 

I made a vinegar + water solution and sprayed that on the front door (outside) got rid of the tomcat pee smell.  They can probably smell I have another tom in here but Spotty has been VERY good and only uses his box.  Which is good as I want to do the whole package all at once (shots, microchip, neuter) plus board him for a few days after and that will take a little budgeting. 

I rounded up a load of clothes and got them in the washer.  The other night I found one of Ron's button down shirts, he only has a couple left, covered in blood stains from last week.  I will try to soak it and get the blood out because I like the shirt and think he looks good in it.  I would also rather not have to buy new clothes if possible.  I have it on a soak cycle with some stain buster and a Tide pod, in cold water.  We will see. 

I also have a favorite nightshirt, it is a huge flannel thing that is very comfortable and also something I could wear outside to take out the trash (it is very modest).  That's a win. 

I also took out the trash. 

I mixed up another batch of cat food.  Current proportions are 1/4 Royal Canin, 1/4 Meow Mix, 1/2 Iams.  When I get to the bottom of this bin (about 9 pounds) I will go to 1/8,. 1/8, 3/4 and then I think I can go to 100% Iams.  I want to take things gradually as Mama and her kids have sensitive tummies and don't like big changes in their diet. 

Most of the cats I have had could eat anything, it didn't matter, but they are a little more delicate.  One thing I find so sad, the average cat has a litter of 4.  She only had 2.  So 2-3 must have died and I find that very sad.  I hope it was quick.  I try not to think about it, and remind myself I didn't know her back then.  I took care of her and the kittens the minute I met them (after checking on Nextdoor), giving them everything they needed to live well. 

I was petting Mama Cat tonight and I told her "All you have to do is be pretty" and that comes naturally to her.  She is a lot less stressed living with me.  She has her babies, they are doing well.  Everyone is safe, fed, and happy.  They have enrichment (trees, condos, toys).  A litter box in every room, changed daily.  Literally all she has to do is be a pretty, sweet, cat and that comes naturally to her. 

I find it very rewarding to spoil a rescue cat. 

Ron is still asleep and will probably be up all night.  I hope he wakes up so I can give him his antibiotic.  I still have a couple of hours before I can put the clothes in the dryer. 

I am finally feeling better. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a list of things to do each week, and I try to have them done by Thursday. That gives me a little extra time if something wasn't done earlier in the week. I clean my kitchen and bathroom counters every day and spot clean whatever needs attention daily.

I grew up in a very messy, disorganized home. It took me a long time to learn to stay on top of my cleaning. I had a daily list for years until I got the hang of it.

I really recommend getting rid of the clutter in your house. It makes it easier to keep everything clean if you don't have to move a bunch of stuff around. I live in a small house too, and I lived for years in a tiny apartment. It can be done.

Ron's bedroom is a disaster that needs to be addressed since you are not willing to place him in a nursing home. You could spend 15 minutes a day in there clearing it out. Just take in a trash bag, a laundry basket and some disposable wipes of some kind and clean for 15 minutes every day. Do it when he is in the kitchen if you need to. I wouldn't bother asking him for help (or permission), he will just slow you down and be disruptive. That room is a health hazard that impacts you and the cats.