Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving evening

I had a good time at my aunt's house.  She wasn't feeling well but her sons and daughters in law rallied to give her a good Thanksgiving. 

I had a good time. 

Came home, my uncle said hello to Ron, and left.  Later on Ron starts talking "I don't mean to make you feel bad..." 

Next time I am going to stop him dead right there and say "Then don't say whatever it is". 

Then he goes on about "(I) can't drive and how much it sucks, how great it was with some other bitch who could drive (this is the one he used to beat up)"  Kept going on about how "free he used to be" and "how limited now, but I still love you (long suffering tone of voice)". 

Bullshit.  I save him a fortune, not driving.  No car insurance, no fueling up, no oil changes, maintenance, repair, etc.  I hardly ever go out, most of the time when I do it is by myself. 

It's rude and hurtful.  You will never catch me telling Ron all the things I wish he could do but can't because he is blind and crippled.  I never bitch (to him) about having to make accommodations. 

He is just playing sour grapes, wishing for the one thing he doesn't have; sort of like when I was thin "I wish you had bigger breasts and butt" I gained weight "I wish you were thin"  I lose weight "I wish you had a bigger butt".  I finally got wise and said - it I will be at a weight that makes me happy because he is NEVER going to be happy.  Now he whines and moans about how great it used to be when we first got together (explict statement) "When your hips were so bony". 

Sort of like the time I had long hair, it was a big hassle.  I asked if he minded if I cut my hair.  He said go for it very positive and supportive.  About 2 days after I cut it "Oh, I wish it was long".  Well, why didn't you say something three days ago?!  Super annoying but it made me realize Ron wants what he can't have and will never be happy with what he does have. 

Sort of like he was talking about this married woman he knew, he had a thing for her but she stayed faithful to her husband.  How upsetting it was for him.  "The one that got away". 

Well, we all have disappointments. 

He just complained about his headphones.  I was all set to help him find a new pair when he pulled it out of the jack and it was porn.  [rolleyes]  Aren't we a little OLD for that? 

I have a little headache but not horrible.  I think I will go to bed early. 

It was interesting watching my cousins' children today.  The kids next door make a tremendous amount of racket when they play outside, screaming at the top of their lungs, crashing noises, throwing stuff into the side of my house, etc. like they did last night.  My relatives were so quiet playing outside I had to look out the window to see them.  They kept it at a very reasonable level even playing inside the house.  The toddler yelled a little now and then but he doesn't really have words yet so expected. 

It just confirmed you can teach your children to be reasonable and respectful at a young age and not allow them to run wild like screaming animals in the middle of the night, when you want to have a good time.  We had a good family gathering and I doubt the neighbors even knew how many kids we had.  And I didn't hear their neighbors, either. 

My conclusion: they don't have to be full throttle just because they are kids.  It does beg the question what #6 is allowing the kids to consume that makes them so wild into the wee hours of the morning.  Coffee?  Energy drinks?   God only knows. 

But I have to figure they are giving something. 


Anonymous said...

Maybe the holiday got to him. It's a tough time of year.

I'm glad you had a nice time with your family and I hope your aunt feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

LOL I used to give my kids coffee but we all kind of “calmed down” on it ..I do not know if it ritual of drinking it or the reality of how caffeine affects us.

Even though he is incapacitated by alcohol so much so he can not dump is bottles of pee or do anything but wheel himself to and from his vodka? He still listens to porn and finds time to systematically verbally abuse you in a very cruel fashion.

I KNOW you know what Stockholm Syndrome is. NONE of this is your fault it just IS and nothing you can or will do in the way of trying to save him from himself is going to work .

He has made his plan to live like this , what are your plans ? How do you fortify yourself set goals get some assistance go back to school something other than 24/7 between litter boxes and Ron you hav more than proved you are an amazing person with so much to offer in this world.

I support your choice to stay but somehow I feel deeply you are more trapped than choosing and he plays with it even the end .

Heather Knits said...

He plays with me.. even now. At this point I am not trying to save him. I guess you would see it more as palliative care. Recently with all his self injuries I have just been trying to keep myself legally clean so I cannot be charged with abuse or neglect, one reason I do document.

I know with fetal alcohol kids they strongly suggest feeding them mountain dew, it helps with the mental processing. But from what I have seen none of these kids have special needs.

I do wonder what they give them on these party nights because it keeps them at full throttle until about 3 AM, when they drop.