Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tuesday morning

Yesterday was pretty exhausting. 

I slept "OK" last night, not great but enough sleep, I feel.  However, #6 decided they were going to do a big yard cleanup and repair work (?) yet another remodel (?) at 6 am this morning.  They made a tremendous amount of racket. 

Ron wasn't sleeping anyway with his back but I think he will be OK for a while.  My alarm was set for 6:30.  I said screw it and got up. 

I did the video, fed the cats, took care of Ron, computer, shower, etc.  I am waiting on Arturo who should be here any minute. 

I am a little concerned next door is going to be a big party for the youngest this weekend, who is turning 5.  They tend to have her birthday party on Black Friday weekend. 

And I have no problem with a children's party.  During the day.  With sober adults.  But it is a free for all adults and children, adults drunk and louder than the children, loud music, late at night.  Kids throwing things at the cat cage sort of free for all.  If they have a birthday party which they might.  I don't know. 

I do know they will likely (likely isn't a strong enough word) have a party Christmas eve with all of the bad behavior above and more, a guy on a megaphone at 3 AM (this time I am calling the police), etc.  I am girding myself for that. 

I might even take Ron to a motel this year.  But I would worry about the house, and the cats. 

Anyway, just got back from the dentist, take off the temporary, put on the permanent crown.  It took some work to get the old crown.  Two people, a variety of tools.  Not fun.  It didn't hurt but just uncomfortable with the hands in my mouth and everything. 

The fixative?  Glue?  They used for the new crown gave me a headache.  BUT it is a very nice crown and I have a good bite on it.  I am waiting a while before I eat and drink just to give it a little time. 

Good rides to and from, I called Arturo.  I left Ron in bed with Baby Girl and came home to him in bed with Baby Girl.  They are so devoted to each other.  It would crush her to be separated.  And him. 

I am going to eat my donuts in a couple of minutes, take my AM pills if I haven't already (I have an organizer) and then take a nap and try to lick this headache. 

I had this problem once with a solvent used in a small room.  It created a pretty ferocious headache which led to a migraine. 

WHICH is why I already took out the trash for tomorrow. 

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