Thursday, November 7, 2019

Good to know

I have someone in my corner.


Anonymous said...

Biscuit watch out for the tower of boxes!

Heather Knits said...

Each has about 20 pounds of Bibles, they aren't going anywhere. I am really thrilled they all like these houses (I have 3) so much.

Anonymous said...

Can you call your local mission to pick up the bibles so more people can get the gospel? Shame for God's word to just sit in storage.

Anonymous said...

I hope a 20lb box doesn’t fall on the 20lb cat :(

Heather Knits said...

I have never had a problem yet.

I had to put the evangelism on hold when Ron's back went south but the sponsors donated to Bible handouts, not Bibles going to the mission, so they will get handed out. I have been gifted many Bibles that were stored in a garage and not in good condition, I think I am doing good to keep them in the house, dry, dust and spider free.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be wonderful if the local missionaries would accept those bibles to be handed out on their trips. That would be a good way for those donations to be put to use instead of sitting for how long. That's like money being wasted because no one is using those. If they don't accept those, ask them who would and they might have some places they can think of. You have so many things on your plate. Take care of yourself first. -star_tigress