Thursday, November 21, 2019

Some thoughts

I woke up early, with a migraine. 

Years ago I invested a lot of time and trouble knitting an afghan, Ron loved it and wanted it for himself.  I gave it to him, then I took it back when 1.  He wasn't taking care of it and 2.  He was being a creep. 

Recently he was very cold and pitiful so I gave it back to him. 

The floor next to his bed is very bad, the carpet will need to be pulled up and the room get new flooring.  He knows this.  This morning I found the afghan on the bad flooring, I was pretty upset and picked it up.

I took it to the laundry room, am in the process of washing it (with laundry sanitizer) and will NOT be giving it back to him.  He can't respect my work.  I will get him something cheap from Walmart. 

Anyway, the migraine headed off about the time I read the comments.  And I realized something. 

No one believed me. 

As a kid, "things are really bad at home"

"No they aren't, you are just an ungrateful little bitch with a spite on for your step mother".  (far from it, I desperately wanted her approval up until I moved out). 

She used to have long, manicured, nails.  She painted them a mauve color.  She used to grab my upper arm and dig the nails into my flesh, when she was angry.  If I tried to pull away she would dig in.  One time I actually looked at my upper arms and found some scars from it.  Everyone acted like that was OK.  She never did it in public. 

When I was in my late teens I was put into a school program for emotionally disturbed kids.  One day after she did the claw thing with my arm I wore a sleeveless top to school (back before most had a dress code).  I went in with my arm all clawed up, they went ballistic and called her.  I don't know what she told them but they never mentioned it again. 

When confronted with clear evidence of abuse, they did nothing.  

And my stepmother took all my short sleeved and sleeveless tops, and got rid of them, then did it again to my arm before the first one had even healed up. 

Don't ask for help, Heather.

Then I get with Ron, everyone is always confirming everything he does as OK and acceptable.  I remember one night he threw me out in the street before my birthday because I am messy.  That, to him, was worth making me homeless.  He screamed at me, threw me out, I had a very bad night. 

I am ashamed to admit he made me beg to come back.  One of my worst moments. 

Anyway, I went to work bitching about this and how cruel he was "Why did he do it?" I told them "Oh, he was totally justified, then". 

Because I was MESSY? 

When he beat me up in 2007, same thing.  He was having a blackout and broke a lava lamp.  Big pieces of broken glass everywhere.  He thought the toilet was in my room and decided he would urinate in the corner.  I kept him out of my room because I did not want him walking on the broken glass in his bare feet. 

He responded by assaulting me, punching me and mainly biting me all over my arms and legs until I told him the police were coming.  I had huge, horrific, bruises all over each arm and leg.  I wish I had filed charges. 

I ended up staying with my aunt and uncle for a week.  Ron promised he wouldn't drink Everclear any more and I thought he would be OK. 

I wish I had run like hell. 

Anyway, I was gone from home, and the business, for a week.  It was still warm out and I was wearing short sleeves, you could see the bruises all over my arms. 

I went back.  Mainly because no one offered another option.  And went back to work, bruises and all. 

One postal worker "Why are the machines empty?"  I explained I had some problems at home and had to leave for a while.  "Well, that's no excuse".  I showed him the bruises "What did you do to piss him off?" 

And that was the big question everyone had when I got beat up "What had I done to piss him off" because sometimes a good beating is necessary, I guess. 

This is the culture I am coming from, that no one gives a shit if I am beat up mentally or verbally.  That if abuse is happening I have it coming and must have offended him in some way.  That there is  EVER an excuse for abuse.  That everyone does this...That Ron is a "real man" for getting blackout drunk, passing out on the floor, and forcing me to work a double (real experience).  It's toxic. 

No one ever sat me down and told me this was unacceptable.  So it's a shock when I do hear it. 

I have to readjust what I think is acceptable and that may take a while. 


Anonymous said...

Just as I said in my previous comments. You were essentially groomed by your mother, father, stepmother and then Ron to accept abuse. You have never had a normal home life or married life and no one has ever reached out it to help you. But on this blog people are reaching out to you. To tell you this is not normal, this is not right. Offering solutions and options. There is even a lawyer on here who said they can help you find resources.

Many people are in a situation like yours and many don't have a blog with readers who are trying to get you to see that you deserve better. Better from not only Ron but your father and stepmother too. They way they all treat you is unacceptable.

Fight for yourself and your cats and your house. You deserve it Heather. After all the decades of crap you have had to put up with you really do deserve it.

Heather Knits said...

This is slightly off topic but I remember the aha moment when I realized Ron only chose damaged women. How he one time said a certain group of women was "too hard" to [manipulate]. All the women he talked about - damaged. Every single ex.

Because he could get a crowbar in those cracks. I really should have run when he told me how the one tried to kill him, twice. It never once crossed my mind to ask "What did you do?"

Anonymous said...

You're an adult now. You know how to dial 911 and prosecute abuse. It's your "choice" if you tolerate it, because you don't have to. Yes, it would require you to step outside your comfort zone but again, "your choice". Blogging about it gets it off your chest but it does nothing to stop the next one, that would require ACTION and seems you're not ready for that. Must be it's not that bad?

Friend said...

You can always pick up the phone and call for help . Get someone in real life to get you the tools you need to get yourself a clean break or to get help in your home to live with this man. Either way you do need help this is not a correct way to live and you are right your family should have protected you and still should be helping and protecting you . If not in person they should help you find the resources you need to get help with your home and caring for Ron . There are so many services in the community and they will not judge you . I know that because I work in one of the best charity clinics I know of. We do not judge we just help.

I agree 100% with “anonymous” Stockholm syndrome is real . But it can also be helped and you deserve help.

Anonymous said...

All of this! I wish I had been your friend in those days Heather, I would have helped you see what you were enduring was wrong.

Anonymous said...

My dad's psychiatrist told him, once you reach 18 you can no longer blame your parents.

Anonymous said...

Heather, some thoughts:
1)Apply to be a vendor on your own; also look for other work
2)See a counselor at the same time
3)Put him in a nursing home, for "his" own good (and definitely yours!!) He won't be able to continue drinking there - he could probably get somebody to smuggle it in, but they won't put up with that if/when they find out; once he gets mouthy with the staff, which is bound to happen, everyone will know part of what you've had to put up with. The nursing home is for his own good. And yours.
4)Then you can keep the house and the cats.
5)You wouldn't have to divorce him you if feel you "can't live with yourself" but if you did decide to, you have biblical grounds.
6) In a nursing home, he would have access to people to bathe him, dress his wounds, have him see a shrink, etc etc.
7) Is he on palliative care? You don't have to be terminal to get palliative care. And they have counselors available. As well as pain management.
8)As one told me one time, "You can put the backpack down, now". Some of the most merciful words I needed to hear at the time.
Prayers for you.

Anonymous said...

PS. You're not "abandoning him" to a nursing home - you're providing for him by taking the next logical step in his care. He isn't competent mentally - you pretty much have to try to overlook his objections if you do decide to make that move. Look for a well rated one, if possible.

I was also going to say that it's almost like you are exhibiting signs of "Stockholm Syndrome" except that you weren't an official hostage - but in a sense, you are a hostage?

Heather Knits said...

He is seeing a pain doctor every month, the only doctor he does see regularly. He is being treated with low dose Tramadol and magnets, also aware Ron is taking Kratom (but between us not high doses like I read of in some groups).

I don't "blame" my parents, I am just saying: I never had a healthy example ever. I am learning as I go along.

Anonymous said...

Correction he is getting more drugs to medicate himself. Even he said the pain pills DON'T work. The alcohol DOESN'T work yet he keeps taking both. The kratom does work and so do the magnets but he doesn't use his magnets very much. I love how you skim over everything else and are delusional enough to make the comments you do after all of the above comments to you. Truly I think maybe you are playing head games because of your own mental illness.

Heather Knits said...

He was yelling with pain a while ago, I got some kratom into him, also applied some magnets and fed him some dinner. That's about all I can do.

I have seen OXY work for his back pain, when he was in the rehab hospital, but that, I believe is a very nasty addiction. But that's the only thing I've witnessed working.

The Tramadol may help some - he keeps seeing the doctor and it is some inconvenience, filling the prescriptions and paying for me to go pick them up, so I think there must be some benefit. But he is yelling right now even with the kratom, tramadol, and magnets.

I don't see myself as playing games (being totally honest here). I am honestly just trying to live with my choices.

Anonymous said...

Living with your choices is one thing. I get that. However, at some point, I would think that you would have to be putting plan for yourself and your cats in place. If it were just you, fine. But you have your cats to think about also. Don't let it get to the point that you have no options. That is a very scary place to be.

Heather Knits said...

I do have an emergency fund, and I work on building it. Absolute very worst case, I am sure my vet would help me find homes. I wouldn't want to do it but she is a kind woman.

That is not the plan, though. Most of my cats are fairly unadoptable. They are either too old, too sick, or too weird. Except Spotty. He is a soft sweet boy.

So I will make a way. Like I said most apartments do the pet rent so I would just pay and extra $150 - $200 a month.

Anonymous said...

I'm on a spiritual journey. Turning the cheek isn't weakness, IT'S STRENGTH.

Anonymous said...

Most apartments have a limit on the number of animals you can have. You will never find one that will let you have 6 cats. And why the fuck do you have to leave your house? Let him move.

Heather Knits said...

I'm saying, if we lost the house that is what I'd do, find an apartment that would let me have the cats. Probably ante up a huge deposit + pet rent but it is a very big city. Every one is fixed so that is a big plus.

Anonymous said...

You will NEVER find a decent apartment that will let you have 6 cats the odds are against you on that. Why would you lose the house? An apartment would be more than your monthly mortgage payment. And it would not be WE losing the house it would be YOU because he already has living arrangements in the nursing home. You will be the one left out on the street. Keep the house and lose piss man.

Anonymous said...

if he goes in the nursing home you can stay in the house.

Problem solved.