Thursday, November 28, 2019

Well, I probably don't have to worry about Saturday now

Remember I told you the youngest next door (now 5) was born around black friday.  I thought they might have a party Saturday, but they had it last night. 

Very loud, very late. 

I actually caught one of their guests - I was in the kitchen at the sink, looking out the window.  The guest pulls into my driveway and puts it in park.  And sits there.  I opened up the blinds and glared at them, pointing at the sidewalk and then my house, like, Oh, no you won't!  He thinks about if for a minute, very slowly and reluctantly pulls out across the street. 

Each house has it's own driveway, in addition to street parking. 

All the lights were on in my house.  How could they think it was OK to steal my driveway?  It was a big truck!  What if Ron or I needed an ambulance?!  HELL NO. 

Had they refused to move Ron has the number for Speedy Tow and that would be the end of it.  But that's just the caliber of visitor they get. 

I guarantee, if we had towed the guy, #6 would have been beating down my door acting like a victim "You should have just come and found us, we'd have moved!"  Just like him and all the other neighbors always said "Tell us to turn it down before you call the police".  BS - they just turn it up louder and then you are labeled as the "narc". 

Rude AND ignorant, I can't abide either. 

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