Friday, November 22, 2019

Midnight Friday

Both Ron and I are in a lot of pain tonight.  I went to bed hours ago, did not really sleep, got some NICE cuddles from Biscuit, calculated I have spent over $1,000 on Biscuit this year, figured I would spend 5 times as much on him, got up, got a drink, went back to bed, another massage from Biscuit, etc. 

Lying in bed again I got up and Ron very quietly asked if I was awake.  I said yes, he asked for some kratom.  For whatever reason he doesn't want a bottle he just takes as needed, he wants me to give it to him.  I don't care either way.  I did put some next to his bed which he has probably forgotten about. 

Anyway, he was very apologetic about "waking me up".  I told him, I'm already up.  There is no sleeping with this head.  Just a horrible drilling pain in my right temple, going down to the roots of my teeth on the top jaw. 

SO GLAD I did not have kids to suffer like this. 

And I just gave the cats some Fancy Feast Broth for cats, with a scoop of probiotics in it.  It does not smell like wet food so I can give it with the headache.  I am super sensitive to smells when I have a headache.  The cats love it, and it's chicken so it doesn't matter if Biscuit gets a lick. 

And the house smelled so PISSY.  I went on a rampage of sorts (can't really move too aggressively with this head) and rounded up all the urinals, dumped them, bleach, etc.  When I feel better I will use the carpet cleaner next to Ron's bed. 

I will probably get a mania out of all this - but on the plus side I have had very little nausea and no vomiting.  I respect my body, if I am not hungry I do not eat.  That means I didn't get my pills but I will be OK.  Guaranteed if I had eaten I would have vomited anyway so still no pills. 

When I feel better I am going to talk to Ron and tell him, at this point and time I am feeling most burned out re: the drinking and verbal abuse.  That I am happy to do the physical end but I would like him to work on the drinking and lashing out.  ALSO do some physical therapy to maintain what he does have.  I am happy to help physically when he is sweet or at least neutral, but it is the verbal and the drinking that is burning me out and most likely to make me walk. 

He can do what he wants with that information.  And it's true.  If I do have to send him away one day he can't say I didn't warn him. 

I checked on him, the kratom he took is working great for his back.  He is right, pretty much any red variety works on his back.  Red and green do not work on my migraines, but if this headache is still around tomorrow I am going to try some white.  It is supposed to be very good for pain, but can be stimulating.  I would rather be manic and not have a migraine. 

Oh, I wouldn't wish this on anyone.  I am feeling a tiny bit better but I still can't sleep. 


Anonymous said...

Ahhh the meek husband returns after 2 days of verbal abuse. I am not falling for it and neither should you. You should make him empty his own urinals daily. If he can lift a bottle of vodka to his lips he can damn well empty his piss bottles daily. Your migraine is because of what he put you through the past few days.

Anonymous said...

Glad he is in pain. I hope he is in 1000 times more pain than normal. He deserves it. Sorry you have a migraine. You don't deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe some of the smell is male cats marking their territory?
Hugs to you today, Heather. I feel pretty beat up today from online comments on my favorite site. Maybe I've been hard on you, too. People suck sometimes. ((hugs))

Heather Knits said...

A tom peed on our front door (outside) and I need to clean that off before my family comes to pick us up for Thanksgiving.

This was urinal...his room just reeks because he has spilled on the floor. He had a fan earlier blowing the scent out into the house... revolting.

At some point I need to rip out his carpeting and replace it with tile or waterproof laminate.

Anonymous said...

No wonder your dad won't come into your house. He doesn't want to see the truth about how his daughter lives. In a pigsty with piss bottles and piss smell all over the house. Ron is just one disgusting and nasty piece of work. If any of the people you give candy to knew about the biohazard you were living in they would puke thinking about eating that candy from you.

Anonymous said...

So he keeps the heat on 90 and then uses his fan. What a freaking moronic idiot.

Heather Knits said...

I talked to him about the logic of it (before reading the comment) and he agreed to "let" me turn the thermostat down.

My Dad won't come in because he detests cats. He isn't crazy about the mess but probably 75% cats.

Heather Knits said...

I haven't done the candy in a long while. People were getting entitled and demanding about it, other passengers, etc.

Anonymous said...

Come on people... I think Ron is toxic for Heather, but wishing pain on him is a very bad look. Even if he's not a nice person doesn't mean you should cheer his pain.