Thursday, November 7, 2019

I'm a little manic today from the headache pills

But I put it to good use. 

Spotty began hacking a hairball, it woke Ron up.  I couldn't find my Laxatone (as it turns out, it was expired anyway) so I gave Spotty some plain petroleum jelly which I did have on hand.  That helped immediately. 

I asked Ron if he minded if I organized the spork area of the kitchen, where I keep my disposable cutlery.  He said fine.  I have, in the past, organized things and he got upset I did it so I wanted to check.  I cleaned that up, it is very organized now.  I found the laxatone and it was expired, so I threw it out.  I put the vaseline over on the cat bookcase where I keep cat related things, brushes, flea treatments, probiotics, etc.  I really do try to be efficient. 

So I got that set up.  Spotty ate some dry food and was begging for wet, so I opened up a small can of tuna cat food for him.  He enjoyed that, so did the other cats.  He was very relaxed and easy going so apparently "fixed" the problem. 

About all they can do for hairballs, to my understanding, is give laxatone which is basically mineral oil and vaseline with some fake flavorings and crap I really don't want in my cat.  I would rather give plain vaseline and he was a very good boy about it.  He's a very mellow cat. 

Cleo was following me around, giving her little squeaky meows, so I gave her a few nibbles of hamburger. 

Ron said I could look at his leg - I try to ask and not just manhandle him.  It is what I would want.  He said OK.  I looked at it, the red/purple discoloration from the bandage area is about gone.  He has a small scab and some scarring.  I asked if I could treat it, he said OK.  [trying to be respectful here]

I swabbed it with some betadine and decided to leave it at that, I had thought I might put some neosporin on it but what if that's what caused the irritation?  He was fine with just betadine so I did that, then put my stuff away in the first aid section of my bathroom. 

I had enough clothes to do a load so I got that started, I asked Ron for his dirty t-shirt and he gave it to me without complaint.  It should be about done now and then into the dryer. 

I am going to eat some ice cream I had delivered and have that for dinner.  I am not sure what I'm doing tomorrow, the cold front is here so I may just stay home. 

Here's to hoping I sleep better tonight. 


Anonymous said...

What sort of ice cream! You deserve it!

Heather Knits said...

Lemon gelato. I can't do chocolate or nuts but I have done this gelato with no problem. It is nicely tangy and Walmart delivers pints. (Talenti brand).