Monday, November 11, 2019

Some days are easier than others

I slept better last night, even though I don't have my mouth guard.  I only woke myself up once. 

We went to work, Ron needs an exhaustive amount of assistance doing his job now.  Before, even, say 5 years ago: He would do it all himself.  He would take a cart, go in the stockroom, load it with sodas, and stock it himself.  Now he sits there while I do it for him, and stand over him while he works because he gets the sodas mixed up.  It would be a lot faster to do it myself but Ron is the sort of man who has to do something. 

The other vendor is not as hands-on with stocking, he does his work in the stockroom and at home, both options are fine.  But today I told Ron we need to double the amount of time we are allocating for work because it takes hours to help him every day.  And we only have 4 soda machines!  It was just exhausting. 

THEN I get the option: stock the food and snack machines in one hour.  Which was impossible, the food and one snack look really good but that's all I could do.  I feel bad about that, I have a good work ethic and one thing I enjoyed about Ron's back surgery: I never left until I was done.  I basically had a "will call" with the driver and only called when I was done and had put everything up.  And, guess what, we made more money, too. 

So I told him that, I was pretty stressed at the time.  Then I had a woman come up to me, never buys anything from my machines, interrupts me when I am very busy and away from the vending machines asking for change.  I told her I keep the change in the machines.  She just stood there like "So are we walking back to them?"  So I had to say it out loud: "I have 20 minutes to finish all my work and I do not have time to make change".  I didn't feel bad because she is not a customer.  If she was a regular I would have figured something out, but one thing that has happened FAR too often, someone interrupts me when I am busy, wanting change.  I get it for them and they LEAVE our area and go give the money to the other vendor, or the guy selling takeout lunches. 

There is nothing in our contract about making change, either. 

So I did what I could, we left, came home.  BOTH drivers today had the old-style vans the other driver had.  Both of them were able to secure Ron quite tightly (he likes to be tight) and transport him safely.  The return driver told me "They train us on both kinds of straps" so that driver Saturday was just incompetent.  I will be calling on her. 

I thought they neglected to train her on the old straps.  No.  She just chose not to do it safely.  The job involves a lot of bending, squatting, and reaching when securing a wheelchair and maybe she didn't feel like it.  I don't know.  BUT.  Reporting her. 

We came home, it was still warm.  As you may know there is a very nasty cold front headed our way this afternoon/evening. 

I got Ron settled and took a nap.  I went to a lot of trouble to get him into bed safely and he got out and went to the kitchen for more vodka, passed out in his wheelchair, thank God did not fall.  He woke up babbling and I finally figured out he wanted a snack.  I gave him some corn chips, he was happy.  Then I took him back to bed AGAIN, got him in, made sure he would not fall out, gave him the rest of his corn chips, helped him find something he lost, put his blanket on the bed, etc. 

I keep seeing ads on Facebook, if the patient is on Medicaid the government will pay friends and family to take care of them.  $10 an hour.  That could add up nicely if Ron were on Medicaid.  Because he is becoming more and more intensive. 

It used to be I could go all day, he was fine, come home with my junk and he was fine.  I left the house one time the last couple years, came home, he was on the floor covered in blood, had fallen out of the wheelchair and cut himself.  That is not a sight I ever want again.  That was almost as bad as him in the hospital. 

I talked to him about his memory issues, they are bothering him.  I said it could be related to the B-12 (calling me again).  This time it was trying to find the battery cover again.  I saw the exterior blinds were flapping in the wind as the cold front approaches so I went out in the cold, wet, and rain to roll those up for the winter.  Now we will have a little more light but less privary. 

My delivery is due any time.  I have a decent tip in my pocket for them, it is a heavy order, some bottled water (I don't drink it but Ron does), cat litter, etc. 

Ugh, Ron is super needy today.  What bothers me, I go back to help, do what I can, ask if he needs anything "No" and leave.  3 minutes later he is yelling for me again. 

It is exhausting even though he has made an obvious effort to be nice to me today.  [edit: or did, for a while]

Oh, reading back, I said b-12 could be linked to the memory problem and he should do the shots, and he refused.  If I was having mental issues and someone said an injection might help I would be all over that - hell, I take HOW MANY pills a day?  But he refused so we will let a MD tell him. 

I hope Walmart has my Gelato. 

They did.  I also got my dental guard, need to use the kitchen.  Ron: "I just need a minute for a quick drink", now doing his whole OCCUPY: KITCHEN thing even though I have asked him to move repeatedly.  It has been over half an hour.  I told him I need 10-15 minutes tops and he can have it back. 

He is still bugging me to find his lost battery cover "I don't blame you" for it's loss.  I didn't lose it, he did something stupid and drunken and lost it, it could be anywhere, just like his work keys. 

I told him he BETTER NOT blame me for HIM losing the battery cover.  I looked 3 times in the kitchen, which is small, 3 times next to his bed with a flashlight (not easy).  I don't know what he did with it, probably put it in his "liquor" cabinet, a huge cabinet he appropriated when we bought the house.  He used to keep his tools in it, now he keeps a hoarder's collection of junk, a few tools, and bottled liquor. 

Just really frustrated right now.  I feel like I am giving respect but none is given in return. 

Like I said in the title, some days are easier than others. 

45 minutes after his "quick drink" he became very verbally abusive when I told him I HAD been waiting.  He had done this whole "let me know when you need the kitchen".  And I told him I HAVE been needing it for over a half hour.  "You should have asked me" "I did".  "You're a f#cking bitch, TAKE ME BACK TO MY ROOM" so he apparently wants valet service and can't propel himself 30 feet. 

I told him the next time he calls me I am not coming AND I didn't help him into bed.  Now I can finally do my mouth guard because, guaranteed, after the day I've had I will be grinding tonight. 


Anonymous said...

Leave or face twenty more years with a monster who doesn’t even like you.

Heather Knits said...

At the rate he is going I will be surprised if he makes it 5 years. Then we will see if the driver is charged with murder - if Ron dies as a result of his injuries it is homicide. I would like to see him arrested at any rate (the driver, not Ron).

But you never know, Ron had a lot of hard drinking, hard living, smoking relatives who made it to their 90's. It seems like they can make it pretty far if the stroke doesn't get them.

Anonymous said...

Your religion encourages the man to be put first so it is no wonder you can't even get your work done because you have to do his work.

Heather Knits said...

That's not really it. The Bible tells me to respect him, I try to do that even when it is not given back... but the problem I have is the caregiver side, helping him; vs the business side, doing my work.

For too long the caregiver side has been winning, I help him with his work but don't accomplish everything I need to do. That needs to stop. I have made some requests but I will have to get very loud.

I may start by doing my work first and then helping him. That way I know I do my work. I was thinking today Ron really needs his own assistant to help him and then I could do my work concurrently, like we used to. But a lot of complexities with hiring someone so we won't be doing that.

I did get him to agree we need more time at work, at least through the holidays. We really only have a month and a half to pay all the bills so we need to fill those machines!

Anonymous said...

Yes great idea. Do your work first and then help him. It is all about prioritizing. I take it when he was in rehab you were not using the paratransit which made it easier to schedule your will calls and complete your work.

Anonymous said...

Can you really afford to pay another person to work with you and Ron?

Anonymous said...

Lawyer who’s commented before.

It’s not murder.

Ron chose to not follow medical advice, not work out, not stop drinking, not take care off himself.

I have never left a negative comment or mean one. I’ve offered help and links. I pray for you.

But 100% not murder.

Is the man at fault for Ron? Yes.

But legally you have a duty of care to mitigate injuries and events.

To give you an example.

I kick your leg and break it.

My fault.

I kick your leg and break it and you refuse medical help for years and later it gets an infection and he’s to be amputated.

Not my fault because you could’ve prevented it.

Sadly, Ron falls in the second. He hasn’t tried to get better—and has lived a destructive lifestyle. No court in the land would deem this murder if he passed.

Anonymous said...

I think his memory issues are more likely wet brain from alcohol.
Google it. I'm sorry you have to live with this.

Anonymous said...

I think his memory issues are more likely wet brain from alcohol.
Google it. I'm sorry you have to live with this.

Anonymous said...

The bible also talks about drunkards

Anonymous said...

If Ron has wet brain from alcohol, thiamine might help, look up wet brain.
You could put your foot down, do an intervention maybe?

Anonymous said...

She has to wait until he sobers up so she can wait for the right time to ask him if that’s ok.

Heather Knits said...

I told him B-vitamins are good for canker sores, which he gets (true). So he is taking some b on a semi regular basis.

The Bible ABSOLUTELY talks about drunkards which is why I would be scared if I was him. I am more in the "addiction is a sin" category than it being an illness. I had a moment with pain pills after my ovary surgery when I realized if I kept going, I would have a BIG PROBLEM. So I threw them out and white knuckled it through my recovery with naproxen. I also did not accept narcotics after my root canal - because I am at tremendous risk. Ron also has family factors, everyone in his family has a drinking issue - but he chose to ignore that. I am sure that little voice has told him to stop on more than one occasion but he has ignored it.

I had such nice fantasies of the man being arrested...but you are right. One day he is going to know what he put us through and I will have to be content with that.

No, we can't afford to pay another employee. Also, the application process for a security badge is brutal. If I had a volunteer (stop laughing!) I would absolutely take it, though.

Anonymous said...

My daughter has struggled with drugs for years. One counselor calls it a disease, I call it a choice. I heard one opinion that it's a "disease of choice". I can almost agree with that...almost. But it's still not a disease. Diseases remove responsibility from the patient as if it's not their fault. It's ABSOLUTELY their fault when they choose to drink or take drugs.

Heather Knits said...

He chooses to make the call to get vodka. Chooses to pay for it, take it home, put it in his body. No one is forcing him in any of this.

He used to say "It's for my back" but 1. Drank when it wasn't hurting and 2. it didn't help when he was. He is using it to get high which is interesting because if I took ANY chemical and began abusing it he would rain down armegeddon on me. Name calling, etc.

I remember many years ago when we first got together, he dragged me to the liquor store. I bought a small bottle (the flask size) of cherry brandy. I would have a little every night to help me sleep as it was a very noisy environment. He found out about that and accused me of being an alcoholic, that anything I had every night was an addiction.

I stopped drinking - it was NOT a big deal to me. He was also very angry because he didn't like the taste which meant I was "Hiding" it from himm. At one point in our marriage he gagged down a flask sized bottle of ginger brandy because he wanted to get high and we had nothing else in the house.

A myriad of head games go into addiction.