Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Well, that was a truly terrible idea

You may remember Sunday when I saw Ron transfer (go from wheelchair to toilet) and realized he looked very unsafe.  But wait, I have a toilet safety frame out in the garage!  I talked Ron into agreeing and set it up (it took some tinkering to make it fit). 

I used it for days.  I am not crazy about it.  I will not get into too much detail but it didn't work for me.  I don't see myself as having meaty thighs but the frame would disagree.  I didn't have any weight issues with it as I am well under the limit of 250. 

I didn't like it but I would have tolerated it if it made Ron safer, because, after all, I want good things for him, safety, etc. 

He finally used it today (he has been using the urinals).  He HATED IT.  Screamed at me, really did almost fall, not once but twice, it was horrible.  The second he finished I put it back in the garage.  that was just a bad idea.  But I wanted him to be safer. 

He was pretty ugly and negative so I decided to flee to the store on the bus, make a deposit, and shop a little.  The store is apparently having security issues and does not want any backpacks so I left mine at home. 

I made the deposit, no problem there.  Then I went to the store, looked at the cat food section.  I recently had the thought it would be easier to give probiotics if I could get some of that "soup for cats" and put it in there.  Assuming, of course, the cats would eat it.  I found the soup, I got one fish and one chicken.  I also got some of the tuna I can only buy at this store.  It is tuna cat food with tuna as a high ranking ingredient.  Most tuna cat foods have 5 kinds of meat byproducts before they get to the tuna.  I bought a couple diet sodas and checked out.  I left. 

I had asked Ron if he wanted some chicken from Popeyes today.  He occasionally wants a $1 special from them, a drum and a thigh.  It is a good sized meal for him.  He said he wasn't sure, so I told him I would buy one. 

I went over to the Popeyes.  They had huge signs advertising the chicken sandwich, but I was craving Waffle House.  I got Ron's chicken (took a while, they had to cook it fresh), stuck it in my bag, and went to the Waffle House.  It wasn't super busy.  They had people but it wasn't mayhem. 

You saw the photo.  That is an 'All Star" with hashbrowns and ham.  I added cheese to my eggs and the cook did a perfect job with that, just the right amount of cheesiness.  Lots of protein, I was very pleased with myself. 

I enjoyed my meal and gave a good tip, then I walked back to the bus stop.  I had a pretty short wait considering and rode home smelling of fried chicken.  I was surprised none of the dogs got agitated with me walking by. 

I got home and found Ron in the kitchen.  I gave him his chicken, which he ate.  It took a while but he only dropped a bone on the floor, I got it, not knowing if Spotty would go after it or something.  I got him back to bed, happy he got some protein. 

I put his new DNR dog tag on him, so if he gets into trouble away from me "they" will know he doesn't want extreme measures.  My dog tags came, too.  I put one on my keyring.  It says bipolar, my allergy (SSRI) and then my medications listed on the back.  That should cover all the basics. 

It's a little late for a nap so I will probably take my shower and then stay up a few hours, go to bed early.  My hair looks thin on top so I will use my "volume" shampoo.  It can't hurt. 

But that is one reason I hate to look at my reflection. 


Anonymous said...

I thought you said you weren't going to buy any more fish based cat foods.

Heather Knits said...

This isn't for the boys, this will be a special treat for Momma and the other girls. They are very small cans as well.

I have pretty much phased them to chicken based dry food. It is only 1/4 meow mix now.