Monday, November 4, 2019

Most of Monday

I didn't sleep well last night without Biscuit and embarked on a house-wide hunt for him this morning around 1 AM.  I located him, he came out, I went back to bed.  He got on me and gave me purring and the massage.  It's a very soothing massage, "making biscuits" on my tummy and purring the whole time. I went right back to sleep.

I woke up and got ready for work, Ron got himself ready.  I was reading a message board about adulterers and one guy said "If the cheater had the right wife he wouldn't cheat".  WRONG a cheater will cheat on the perfect mate, they are just driven to it.  I should know, Ron used to pull that crap on me "I wouldn't cheat on you if..."

Funny how once the accident came along and he was at risk of me leaving his ass, knew it would be easier for me if I did... he behaved somewhat.  I still think it is cheating to read explicit talking books and that is all I will say.  But there are no other women.

So I was depressed about that remembering how I really used to blame myself for over a decade...Ron could tell something was wrong and was freaking out.  I finally told him.  He said "Any man who would use that excuse to cheat is an asshole".  I couldn't help but laugh because I am not sure he remembers using that very excuse himself... but we had to go to work.

He rode in the wheelchair both ways.  We got to work.  We really needed to fill the bottled vendor.  Normally he likes to do the canned sodas and then the bottled but I talked him into doing bottles first, I loaded up the cart.  He pulled a muscle doing it but it is done and looks very good.  Canned soda didn't need much.

Then I did my snacks, the food machine, got a delivery and stocked it, etc.  I put Bang energy drinks in the food machine.  Pretty busy.  We did have an important discussion: "Is his name, Spot, or Spotty?"  We decided it was Spotty.  The other vendor couldn't see that as a cat name, at all.

I took my antibiotic at work.  I had a twinge or two so I took one lonely advil.  It did the trick.

We finished up and left, came home.  I need to remember to tell the driver to back in when Ron is riding in the wheelchair, it was very difficult getting him down the ramp plus the slope of the driveway... I would have asked her to move but she had already unstrapped him.  But I will remember next time.  It's a good thing he's thin, he almost ran over me.

We got in the house, I fed the cats.  Ron laid down, complaining about his pulled muscle.  He said he would let me look at his leg, later.  He said "He had felt it and it was fine".

I was pretty beat, my sleep was very broken last night, so I took a nap after I ate a snack and took my morning mood pills.  I had a good nap and DID NOT wake up with a headache.  Notable.

I haven't seen Biscuit but that is not unusual.  Baby Girl, for instance, is often found under Ron's bed.  I fed everyone wet and dry and they ate a good amount.  I will continue to keep an eye on Biscuit.

And I need to take my antibiotic.   Done.  I took it with a protein bar.

I saw Biscuit, he came over, purring, got in my lap for a minute and then ate HIS dry food, went off somewhere.  Mama Cat came over and sat next to me on the couch, wanted petting.  Cleo let me pet her a couple of times when I walked by.  The hamburgers have really made an amazing change in her.

I am about to clean the boxes.  I checked on Ron - I try to swing by and check on him every time I get up, if I know he is up as well, "Do you need anything?"  It is a lot easier than starting something and then have him bug me when I am busy.

We also had another discussion today - "What would we name Biscuit if we had to change his name?"  That was a fun discussion.

I am trying to show a little of the less-awful when I can.

Edit: got the litter boxes done, washed my hands several times, then did Ron's leg.  It is looking better but still has a way to go.  It is out of "take me to the doctor" territory but into "you're going to have a scar" land. 

Ron seldom complains when I am cleaning his leg but I will be glad when that is ALL DONE.  Now I need to clean out the fridge, figure out dinner, and maybe make a Walmart delivery for tomorrow. 


Anonymous said...

“ Cleo let me pet her a couple of times when I walked by. The hamburgers have really made an amazing change in her”

Did feeding her nasty frankenfood get her to love you more than Ron, the ultimate goal?

Heather Knits said...

Well, like the other poster said, if feral cats eat rats and mice, out of dumpsters, etc.. I think she can handle a plain meat patty.

What is my goal with Cleo? That she will allow me to handle her so I can medicate, vet, etc. That's the goal. If she likes me out of the process (hamburgers) that would be great but that is not the goal. I can handle all of the other cats for medication, flea treatment, etc. and I need that with Cleo as well.

THAT'S the goal. The other cats love me and that is plenty. If Cleo decides to love me that would be great but I will settle for her letting me handle her at will. Mommy cat is sitting by my chair right now being very attentive. :)

Friends said...

Glad it is working for you and Cleo Heather . Give her an extra pet for me please ? Glad you guys opted for “spotty” instead of “spot” he IS “spotty” and a beautiful color you know if i had lived closer I would have adopted him for sure! I think your goals are wonderful when I worked with the Red Cross to set up our local shelters ...we always taught folks to practice with the pets for emergency ..IE put them in crates drive them around (if they did not have appt ect) mimic changes in how they should have to be fed ect with out the stress of a disaster just incorporate the changes into their lives . I used to keep my crates by the door and my dogs always just used it as a cave to hang out in or sleep in at night. Teach them it is ok to eat in a crate by feeding/watering them in the crates in a routine manner. Like we did it just once a month after they knew it was ok . Have them eat a meal in a locked crate then made sure they would not be stressed with a new toileting routine (I fed super strict as I mentioned so I always had an emergency supply of food and water for the animals inside the house and in a garbage can sealed outside the house. ) I am a little over paranoid because , like you, I Have been through earthquakes and hurricanes and none of it should be taken likely. The one good thing about those burgers is in an emergency you could grab a few of them they have salt and enough crap in them to stay safe if you could not refrigerate them right away . You are going a great job with what you have to work with . I wish there was a way you could declare yourself a shelter and get some tax relief and maybe even some help with the costs . How do people start rescues or fostering and what are the laws? I know the guy here who has 14 cats is really running his place like a rescue and all the cats are happy and healthy he would foster or adopt them out but he says he usually gets the cats no one else wants . I have to chuckle when I read these negative comments because honestly how can you pick at someone and think you are helping? I would not want to put a kitty in your home you are just not emitting very good energy . Like a viper in a pit waiting to attack it makes me wonder why would invest this time and energy in such negativity. That turns my wondering into pity and then I just have to shrug because you probably are as baffled by my positivity then I figure “whatever Heather is a big girl! “ I do not need to “defend” her with anything but my positivity and it is genuine everything I say is genuine I do think she is an amazing woman living with what could put other women on the streets ..she has insight and puts her mental health first knowing damn well what the consequences of missing meds or not getting enough sleep ..that is all she mandates and in my opinion not nearly enough to make it worth what she has to put up with ! Lol she has handled worse than someone who freaks out over a stray kitting lovingly getting a plane burger from a fast food joint LOLOL! OMG it cracks me up! But it is sad! Honestly very sad when you can almost feel the anger of another human being when you read comments like that and anger is usually a result of anxiety and fear as well as something that stimulates cortisol and that as we know can case cancer “anonymous” honey again? why do that to yourself?? instead of bitching at Heather and pointing out all her flaws why not support her and perhaps send a donation to her vet or move on to another blog?” If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem ..” period . .

Heather Knits said...

They're good babies and deserve the best. I am really glad the probiotic is working so well for them now.