Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lithium is king

Oooh, migraine today.  Haven't had one of those in a while.  This was a functional migraine, tons of caffeine and very cold sodas type of headache. 

I got up, computer for a while, ran a load of laundry, ran a cleaning cycle on the washer because I was about due, and took a shower.  Not bad for a VERY nasty headache. 

I haven't found anything that really works except generic Excedrin.  I tried Kratom, various prescriptions, etc. but nothing.  I used to take triptans when I had a good policy that covered them but they interact with lithium. 

And lithium is king in my intake. 

I took a shower and even conditioned my hair.  My hair likes to do the dry at the tips, greasy at the roots thing.  I have been using volume shampoos lately because it is a little thin on top. 

I got an antibiotic into Ron over his bitter protests (I will be so glad when that is done), called Arturo. 

Ron had told me his pills were in, also that he did not want to go.  He gave me cab fare and a decent amount of spending cash as well.  Arturo came and got me. 

I went to Walmart.  I spent some time looking at holiday baked goods.  Let's be honest, anyone who has seen my home probably does not want anything cooked in it.  There, I said it.  So I try to bring something baked somewhere else.  Desserts are always good. 

I looked around, got myself a bread pudding - I don't think my aunt's gang is into that - and got a good idea what they had.  I got some candy for the dentist, I get my permanent crown Tuesday and then DONE for a while (except for #14). 

I got some 2 in one Pantene volume shampoo.  Apparently I am not the only woman with this problem, there are a lot of volume shampoos.  I like a 2 in 1 because I am so prone to fatigue and depression. 

I got some soup and sanitizer - get those clean hands even cleaner when cleaning up Ron's injuries.  In that vein I also got some gauze pads because the cotton pads had some fibers in the wound.  I want something that won't do that. 

I went to the counter.  Long term clerk on the left, new clerk on the right.  The guy at the new clerk seemed to be having trouble.  He left, she called me up with a heavy accent (not spanish). 

I told her Ron's name and date of birth.  She couldn't find it.  I spelled his name out (it is not a difficult name) .  Still clueless.  I spelled it out even slower, letting some exasperation leak through.  "It's not here". 

I tersely told her THEY HAD CALLED US to tell us it was ready.  I took something out of my wallet with my name on it since she seemed to have such trouble with my last name (in my history of picking things up, I have never had this difficulty).  She just gaped at me and told me to go to the other clerk (I was headed there anyway). 

I went over to the other clerk and had the pills in 20 seconds.  I told her "She" (pointing) can't get it".  The older term clerk just shook her head. 

I doubt the new girl will make it to the end of the day but they should at least check and see if they can give a prescription before they put them at the register.  I paid and put the pills up in my backpack. 

I got a six pack of soda and looked for Jolly Rancher Green Apple drink mix, which my dentist loves, but they didn't have it.  So I had to double back and get him some candy. 

At some point I picked out some stuff for Thanksgiving.  Then I went over to the cat section.  I didn't like the nail trimmers.  A couple of my cats could use a regular nail trim but the trimmer didn't look safe and easy.  I don't want to take a chance of hurting the cats.  I did get some generic brand mixed grill - they adore the stuff, and a packet of the soup for cats. 

My guys love the soup and I like I can sneak probiotics into it.  They always gobble up every little speck.   (And they did, later).  I got the tuna flavor - and Mama Cat is NOT sharing with Biscuit. 

I completely forgot to get the big bag of Iams dry.  And I was right there on the aisle.  I also forgot to look at a comforter for Ron.  I just don't feel well today. 

I checked out.  I wasn't very hungry but I did get a maple donut.  Sometimes a cold drink and a sugar snack can help me with a migraine.  It didn't work. 

Arturo came back, surprised I had bought so little, and took me home.  I went in and put the groceries away.  I had bought some protein waffles and a couple breakfast bowls for Ron.  I gave Ron his pills. 

I got an ice pack out of the freezer and laid down for a while, Biscuit joined me and gave me a very nice massage, a cuddle, and some purring.  If I had favorites he would be it, but I really try not to play favorites.  He is such a good and loving cat, very empathetic. 

I curled up for hours.  It is a little better, about a 6 on a 1-10.  Still a drilling pain in my right temple, still sucks to be me but able to fix Ron something for dinner.  I am feeling pretty clever about his nutrition.  The V8 fruit juice "fusions" have carrot juice and he can't get enough of it.  I did not tell him.  I just call it "your juice".  Then I got him eating the breakfast bowls with egg, bacon, sausage, and cheese.  He can't get enough of them, healthy fats and protein.  Even a decent amount of calcium.  He eats every speck. 

I am going to hold up my end.  Even with a migraine he got his food, juice, supplements, and I helped him with the cat treats.

Oh!  It sucks to be me, though. 

I did log onto Chewy when I got home and bought the cat food (cheaper, even delivered) and some silvervine/catnip herb mix.  I can sprinkle that around for the cats.  The toys are cute but Cleo is a savage who enjoys gutting them.  Better to just get the herb for her to roll around. 

It wasn't expensive, either. 

Now I am off to look up quilts because I won't care if Ron ruins one of those. 

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