Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sunday Morning

I woke up last night, grinding my teeth, but not for long.  That was some spectacular pain, let me tell you. 

I keep going back to when I got my wisdom teeth out and how I was better by this point... but I can't just yank everything, tempting as it might be.  I have to at least "try" the root canal route, at least once, to see how it turns out.  Now if it fails and I end up having to pull it anyway it's going to inform my next dental decision... but ugh. 

So apparently I grind my teeth which explains how the tooth broke in the spring, how it broke again in October, and how it is hurting at night when I sleep.  I got up around 7, Ron was up. 

I said OK so we're up...I helped him, cleaned his leg, stripped his sheets and blanket, put them in the washer on "soak" with the laundry sanitizer.  Later on I will wash my sheets and put my heated mattress pad on the bed.  I fed the cats, checked the litter box. 

The probiotics are working for the cats, I can't say enough about them.  Ron filled the water fountain last night but I had to fill it again this morning.  Good, I want them drinking their water.  Ron told me he got sick last night. 

That is an awful thing, mobility impaired... "Will I get there in time?"  He did, happily.  But he wanted me to get rid of the hamburgers because that's the only thing he ate. 

He watched hoarders and decided to clean up next to his bed, gave me a 13 gallon bag full of trash, which I put by the door.  I think it is RUDE to make a lot of noise with the garbage can, when someone's sleeping, the houses are very close together, one of her bedrooms is right above my trash cans.  I absolutely DETEST it when #6 makes a lot of noise late at night with his trash cans, literally right next to my bedroom wall.  For over a decade, every time their latest baby soiled a diaper I had to listen to them throw it away, several times a night, waking me up. 

In a real sense those are "MY" children because they kept waking me up!  Also cured me of any latent maternal urges, let me tell you.  I appreciate a good night's sleep. 

So, considering it is a weekend and most people's day off, I will throw away the trash at 11 when they are likely up.  I like to think of myself as a quiet and respectful "good" neighbor.  Someone I would live next to. 

Ron cleared out a lot of trash next to his bed and found some things he has been looking for (not his keys, yet).  He took a break and went in the kitchen, drinking.  I tried to ask him about groceries and he basically told me he detests food (even though he enjoys eating) because it keeps him alive. 

"So" I told him "You don't want tube feedings?"  No, he replied.  OK, I will note that and now it is out for you to read. 

I recently got a medic alert pendant with my information on it.  Lithium affects anesthesia drugs and a doctor would need to know I take it, also know I am bipolar in case I freak out one day (hopefully not likely).  I saw a bright red DNR pendant and I got that for Ron.  He was delighted when I told him about it. 

He has the form on file with his doctor.  He has the form with my aunt, and now he will have the pendant.  That should cover me, but I think most of it going to go to me saying "No extreme measures".  Which I will respect. 

I would be furious if someone put me on long-term dialysis (I am OK with it short term if I get toxic from lithium and they need to clear it out) without my consent, so I will respect his wishes. 

BUT it is my guess that only my aunt will actually respect my wishes if something happens to me.  Ron and my parents will freak, screaming "Do everything!"   My stepmother has TOLD me this.  So I had better put my aunt as my ICE contact. 

Then Ron decided to shout at me because I had some (about 3 large) dishes in the sink.  I tried to explain I only have half the kitchen, you took the big cabinet for your junk and I don't have a place to put them.  We went back and forth for a while but he did mention he couldn't stand upright anymore so I could "have" the one cabinet on "his" side - that will fit the casserole dish, etc.  He will be thrilled to see the empty sink. 

Ron's blanket and sheet finished the sanitizer cycle and I am running them with regular detergent now (unscented).  I do need to change the sheets more often and that is not difficult now that Ron is getting rid of all the crap on the bed.  When I get his stuff in the dryer I will wash my sheets, put the mattress pad on the bare mattress, make it with my "good" sheets. 

I have 2 sets of sheets for my queen bed: a poly-cotton blend I got from Walmart and a nice set of cotton sheets I got from Sears, some years ago.  It has worked fine to rotate.  I think I have 3 fitted sheets for Ron but the third is in his closet and not accessible, so I just rotate between the black and the navy. 

I was a little worried about Biscuit, he got sick twice yesterday, but he has the whole bulimia thing where he eats to much and vomits.  But I did witness him peeing and it went well, a good amount, so he's not blocked.  When Frosty was dying he was meowing and vomiting.  So I am very alert to that. 

If Biscuit dies of FLUTD that is one thing, if he dies because I was negligent that's another.  I have not invested so much energy into him just to be ignorant. 

But he is eating his food right now and very happy.  He did a typical cat thing.  I mix up the cans of cat food in a tray, and then select one at feeding time.  They have an assortment and they seem to enjoy that.  But I was running low on the "ready to go" tray so I took out all the canned cat food and mixed it up.  Biscuit got very excited during this process.  I had just given him some dry food but he was clearly begging for a can. 

Now, you may remember his wet food is $50 a case.  I took a can and opened it, spooned some probiotics, and served it to him.  He doesn't mind the probiotics.  He licked a little of the gravy and ignored the wet, and began eating the dry. 

That's a pretty typical cat right there. 


Anonymous said...

Love to hear about you and Ron doing positive things. Great Sunday. Keep up the good work both of you.

Anonymous said...

i have not ever had the pain you are suffering after a root canal ? What is going on ? That is not good. I have had some jaw aching and a little discomfort but not the pain you describe .

Heather Knits said...

I lost half the tooth back in the spring, back then it didn't hurt (LOL) and he used filling material to patch it, trying to save me a root canal. It was a little sensitive and felt a little iffy so I didn't use that side...I woke up in Austin a couple weeks ago with the tooth screaming at a good 8 on a 1-10, I had cracked it again and the nerve exposed... had to wait a few days to get that fixed with it just yelling and irritated the whole time.

Got the canal done, rooted most everything out and OK after a day or two. When he went back in he found a side channel with more pulp (not a fun discovery for me), and rooted that out too, took X rays and made sure he got it. Then he filled in all the canals, screws, more packing, more drilling.

It should have probably been pulled but I only have 2 molars in the back on each side, the wisdom teeth were pulled, all of them (also not a fun experience). We agreed we would try to save it with a canal.

Like I said I was clenching the whole time he worked so the jaw hinge and muscles are pretty strained. I have never had anything other than fillings so this is all new for me. Both my bio parents always had horrible times at the dentist.

Remember I am under some considerable stress with Ron so I may just be a slow healer at this point. I believe I am grinding on it at night which isn't helping, I'm sure. It honestly hurts more at the jaw hinge and muscles, the tooth only yelled at me when I was grinding on it last night.

Ron was my tester on this and has had at least 2 root canals with this guy, and only one infection but that was Ron's fault and easily cleared up with antibiotics. Ron has really terrible teeth so if he can help Ron I was/am sure he can fix me up.

If I can be - I may pull it a couple years from now but everyone (except my stepmother) was telling me to try and save it.

Heather Knits said...

I found this: "The procedure eliminates the infection and the nerve tissue within the tooth. If your root canal was required because of a cracked tooth, you may feel pain after your root canal if there is deeper damage, possibly to your jaw bone. ... Most pain should subside within a week of having a root canal completed"

It hasn't been a week yet, only 5 days. And I am grinding my teeth.

Heather Knits said...

Last comment, they do have a 1 year guarantee on all work done. So if he needs to redo it, on the house. (my understanding)